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Retreat - Encouragement Café - July 2, 2015


Café Menu for Thursday, July 2, 2015

Today’s Special is:  We All Need a Little Solitude

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Dawn Aldrich

Main Ingredient:

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.   Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!”

Mark 1:35-37 NIV


When life comes at you like a freight train - full speed ahead - it's all you can do to hang on tight.  There's barely time to think, no warning, no preparing or packing a bag - only time to react and latch onto whatever is in front of you until the train stops.

The unexpected happens all the time - life and death - but when they couple themselves together and come one after the other, our minds can't catch up with our hearts.  In every crisis, whether good or bad, there's always stuff to be done - responsibilities and loose ends to tie up - for those holding up the arms of loved ones.

And when that freight train comes to a screeching halt - even for a brief moment - we find ourselves disheveled, speechless, utterly weary and maybe even a bit numb.  We feel neither joy nor sorrow because we've been so busy caring for others that we pushed our own emotions aside.  All we want is solace.  Quiet.  Retreat.

Isn't that exactly what Jesus felt?  

After a day of teaching and healing and crowds pushing in he rested.  And in the dark, just before sunrise, Jesus retreated to a quiet place, alone - far away from the crowds and people who needed his touch.  And while he was there - He spent time alone with his Father - where I imagine he cried, prayed, received encouragement, refreshment and empowerment to see things from heaven's perspective once again.

We all need those times, don't we?

Time alone with our Father to cry it all out, to share what's on our hearts, listen for his voice and receive the encouragement and empowerment that comes only by spending time in His presence;  time to refocus, zoom out from the immediate circumstances and refocus on God's higher perspective.

Take Out:

If you’re in need of a retreat, carve out time for solitude.  Make child-care arrangements, even if for just a few hours, and get alone with God.

If you’re not in need yourself, maybe you might know of someone who is.  Consider offering them your house, your time, your babysitting services so they might have that much needed solitude.


Abba, our hearts crave time alone with You in the midst of our chaos.  As we sit at Your feet and unburden our hearts, minister encouragement to us, sing Your love over us, and reassure us that You have a plan for us; a plan for hope and a future.  Father, we hold onto the promise that You make all things good for those who love You.

© 2015 by Dawn Aldrich. All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Retreat - Encouragement Café - July 2, 2015