Perfection is Exhausting - Encouragement Café - August 16

Perfection is Exhausting
 By Christie Davis

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4 KJV

Just two days ago, I was doing a short workout video with a lady with whom I work.  As soon as the instructor began talking and explaining the moves, I looked to my coworker and said, “Look at her body!  Every inch of her is perfect.” 

As I was sweating and panting, I began to realize the reason why her body seemed perfect and mine did not.  However, if we were to interview the instructor, do I really think she would say that she was perfect?  

Absolutely not!

So, why do I tend to compare myself to others? This thought process tends to eat at me and even affect how I train my children or treat my husband. It often leads me to say things like:  

  • What did the other classmates make on their test?
  • Do you see other children running around the church like that?
  • What are they doing that makes their yard look so nice?
  • I’ll try the latest diet fad, maybe then I’ll look perfect like her.
  • Since we are having guests, I’m sure I have time to make a meal from scratch instead of our normal frozen dinners.
  • And on and on…

I often feel the need to be perfect… to fix everything or match everybody else. It is exhausting! It tears me apart and often causes me to downgrade myself and compare myself to what others view as perfect. Am I fully enjoying the love and acceptance of Jesus Christ? No.  

James 1:4 says,

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

What do I possibly need that the Father cannot give me?  

I am not perfect and never will be.  That is why Jesus was sent to earth to die, because I could never be perfect.  I have only been made perfect through Jesus Christ.  Any good thing I could ever do solely comes from Him!   If I look to Him daily, I can gladly ignore what this world has to offer.  When I keep my eyes on Him, it is then that I can take full pleasure in who Christ really is and what He offers me (and you) without hesitation:  relief, energy, love, comfort, forgiveness, peace, acceptance, and ___________ (you fill in the blank).    

And what’s more amazing?  I did not do one single thing to deserve any of it!  Now, when He sees me, He sees His Son.  He never compares me to anyone else.  He loves me unconditionally.  Praise the Lord!  

Breathe.  There is nothing that we have to do, or be, to be accepted by Jesus Christ.  He did all the work for us!  Do not focus on this world or what others may say or do.  Set your eyes on Him and allow Him to do the work through you. 

Dear Jesus, thank You for loving me even when You know me and all of my faults.  Please allow me to focus on You and Your will for my life.  Guide and direct me in everything I do.  Shape my life in the way that You know is best.  Help me to put myself and my desires aside and focus on You. Thank You for seeing Your Son and not me!

© 2019 by Christie Davis.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Perfection is Exhausting - Encouragement Café - August 16