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One Day My Prince (of Peace) Will Come - Encouragement Café - December 25

One Day My Prince (of Peace) Will Come

By Linda Gray
 I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 ESV

I have to admit I am way behind on knowing the names of Disney Princes and Princesses.  It may be due to the fact that I don’t have children. But I was a child and am familiar with Snow White and Prince Charming.  She wistfully sings of her heart’s desire of a prince who will someday cross her path.  Life will be blissfully happy and all her cares will vanish.  This makes me sigh as I imagine the scene where the dashing young man awakes her with true love’s kiss.

Okay back to reality…Now, I consider my husband to be my prince.  This is especially true after he helps unload the dishwasher or takes me to an evening choir rehearsal to save me from driving in the dark. He treats me like a princess. However, he is human. I can’t expect him to meet my every need.

The prophet Isaiah’s description of the coming Messiah covered everything that we would need in a Savior.  All the bases are covered. Let’s turn to Isaiah 9:6-7 and take a look at this cherished prophecy.

“A ‘child’ is born.” Wait, what?  Years after this prophecy was proclaimed, the Jews assumed the Messiah would be a warrior, a conquering hero. Not a helpless infant.

“The government shall be upon His shoulder.”  What a comfort!  Those in the world government have opposing views of how this world should be governed. And they are all doing it wrong!

“His name shall be called…” Brace yourself!  You may be tempted to shout a “Thank You, Jesus” as we see what He Isaiah says this baby’s attributes will be:

“Wonderful Counselor” – anything life throws at us that we don’t know how to handle, He will give us wise answers to make the right decisions.  But we must heed His word.

“Mighty God”—He’s the second person of the Trinity, God the Son.  Although He entered the earth as a tiny baby, He would finish as the Savior of the world.  And He will return in all His glory and power!

“Everlasting Father” – He began His earthly journey through birth.  But He has always been and He always will be!

“Prince of Peace”—This may be my favorite attribute.  He rules this characteristic. No one else can claim this ability.  Jesus says in John 17:33 after He describes what life will be like after He has left the earth, that they can have peace because He has overcome the world.

As we take a look around, we can see this world is broken and without peace. With every day that passes, I find myself yearning for the day when Jesus returns to the earth.  It will be then and there that He will set up the government.  And then and only then will there be perfect peace on Earth.

Even so come, Lord Jesus!  We are longing for our Prince.

Father, thank you for speaking to us through the prophets of old. We stand amazed as we look back to the promises You made and have kept.  We look forward to the day when Jesus, our true Prince of Peace sets us His rule upon the earth. Until then, may we keep our eyes on You. Amen.

© 2020 by Linda Gray.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / One Day My Prince (of Peace) Will Come - Encouragement Café - December 25