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No Asking - Encouragement Café - November 2

No Asking
 By Dawn Mast 

Oh Lord, you have searched me and you know me.  You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways. Psalm 139: 1-3

If you’ve ever repeatedly asked someone for something, you know it can be frustrating.                  

Please, please pick up your shoes! This is the third time I’ve asked you!

If you could please take care of your laundry. I’m tired of looking at it (on the back of the couch, in the middle of the floor, inside the freezer, on top of the car...)

I’d appreciate it if you’d stop treating me disrespectfully. I’m getting tired of feeling put down.

These are not necessarily examples from my own life (Except for the one about the shoes. And maybe the laundry one.) 

After a while you feel not heard, not valued and maybe even (gulp!) unloved. If someone doesn’t take the time to listen then maybe they don’t care. It’s not that people must do everything we ask in order for us to feel loved, but sometimes a little nod in our direction when we mention a task would be beneficial. It’s human nature to want to be heard. 

Jesus didn’t wait for us to ask. He laid down His precious life for you and you didn’t even have to ask. I didn’t even have to ask. He knew our needs and gave the perfect solution long before we needed to ask. We didn’t have to beg, cry or plead. He knew we would need to be saved from our sins. So He came in perfect form to rescue us from the things we do.. long before we could have our conscience pound and our heart race with guilt. 

It’s a sweet connection when someone does something for you without you having to ask. Again, it’s not  when the laundry, shoes and toys aren’t picked up that your people don’t love you, but when those things are done without you having to ask, you feel known, heard and deeply understood.

Jesus more than knew our need, He acted on it. He set His life out on the course for the one purpose of dying for our sins. We didn’t have to ask for Him to love us and that makes it so much more meaningful. He chose to love us without our asking. What a remarkable gift. 

The next time you feel your requests of others are not being heard, take a moment and ask the Lord how to best hear Him. We sometimes ask favors from people and we may not get the answer we want.  But if we sit in the silence of God, asking what He wants us to hear, we can often let go of what we expect from others.

Heavenly Father, I feel ignored and hurt when I ask for help from others and they can’t be counted on. But You God are dependable! Before I even utter a word, You know my requests and give me what is best for me. You know my every thought and meet my every need. Thank You God that I can lean into You and know You will take care of everything I need even before I ask. In Your trustworthy and Holy Name, Amen!

For more encouragement, visit Dawn

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / No Asking - Encouragement Café - November 2