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Learn to Lean into Jesus - Encouragement Café - February 24

Learn To Lean Into Jesus
 By Samantha Jackel

So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.  Romans 1:8 NLT

Often when we think of the story of Mary and Martha we begin to compare our lives to Mary and feel condemned or perhaps question our lives.  I know I certainly have!

Fifteen years ago, I can remember a time when I was surrounded by 5 very young children, church commitments and a troubled young lady (who was living with us).  Sitting in church one morning, the story of Mary and Martha was shared once again.  I felt so gutted.  I wanted so desperately to be Mary, but found myself constantly in Martha's shoes.  I can remember sharing my heart of confusion, pain and desperation to a friend telling her how desperately I wanted to find the time to be Mary; but often my prayer time was in the shower, which was the only place I could find solitude.  The friend was aghast commenting that, “I could make time if I really wanted too”....  Wham! 

After much prayer, I came to the conclusion that there are indeed seasons in our lives.  I have walked the season of Martha and the season of Mary.  I believe that God wants our full attention no matter what season we're in.  If it is a busy season, then we make the most of the little grabs of time we get to spend in prayer.  If there is time to hide away and just sit at His feet, then we are to embrace this time with Him.  We must respect the season we’re in and come before Him with a grateful heart.

If you are in the Martha season full of busyness, know that the Mary season is around the corner.  Do not sit under condemnation but under God’s grace that is poured out on you for the season you’re in. 

Learn to lean into Jesus no matter your circumstances.

Dear Jesus, I pray that each of us would feel Your Amazing Grace on our lives for the season that we are in.  Help us not to compare or be jealous of another person’s season.  Let us learn to lean into You no matter how busy our lives get.  Amen 

For more encouragement, visit Samantha at

© 2020 by Samantha Jackel.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Learn to Lean into Jesus - Encouragement Café - February 24