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He Remembers - Encouragement Café - April 13

He Remembers
 By Dawn Mast 

But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth and the waters receded. Genesis 8:1 

It seems that way. We are shut in our houses and when we go to the grocery store (the only place we are allowed to go), it’s virtually empty. Has God forgotten us? Is He punishing us? Have we been sent to our rooms for an indefinite “time out” to think about our violence, lies, gossiping, theft, sexual sins, immoral thoughts and idolatry?

Noah and his family were sequestered on a boat for 150 days. For almost 5 months there was time to ponder God. No other people. No distractions. No destination. And definitely no Internet. Just water and the Almighty. Plenty of time to think and change. 

There is no way to know why there’s a pandemic now at such a time as this. But there is a way to deal with it in much the way Noah did. We need to ride it out and trust. Verse 8:1 of Genesis is very, very telling, “But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and He sent a wind over the earth and the waters receded.” What a promise to hold tightly to as we hunker at home. God didn’t remember the “why” (man’s wickedness), but He remembered the “who” (Noah, his family and their faithfulness to God.) 

Some say this Covid19 is a sign of the end times. Maybe. Does it matter? Does it change anything? It should! It should change hearts and get people moving to love with deep intention and share the Gospel. We need to pray boldly and seek the face of Jesus! If germs can get us focused on the Gospel then it’s all been for good. 

Isaiah points us to a vital truth in these days of quarantine, 

I have revealed and saved and proclaimed - I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “that I am God. Yes, and from ancient days I am He. No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?”  Isaiah 43:12-13 (NIV) 

So, today in your home you can still do so much. You can pray with strength for those you know who need to be lifted to the throne of grace. Write a note of blessing and encouragement to someone who needs to be able to read and re-read a message of hope. Carefully deliver a meal, flowers, bread or dessert to someone you’ve been wanting to bless. Remind someone they are still firmly and safely pressed in the capable palm of the hand of the Almighty God. 

What a sweet and secure gift, Lord that we can trust You in unknown times. We sometimes go about our days when life is going well and we don’t give You much thought beyond a quick, “Thank You for this meal. Thank You for my family.” Now, we are leaning harder into You and trusting You deeper. More people are acknowledging Your presence and we are thankful You are becoming a shining light in this time of darkness. We give You praise when there is healing and ask that You would continue to be our Hope and our Shepherd as we need You Lord. Thank You for not leaving us. In the Name above all Names, Jesus, Amen! 

For more encouragement, visit Dawn at

© 2020 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / He Remembers - Encouragement Café - April 13