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He Loves Me. He Loves Me Not. - Encouragement Café - February 3

He Loves Me. He Loves Me Not.
 By Sherry Kepley

But even the hairs on our head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than the sparrows. Luke 12:7

Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. Matthew 6:8

He loves me. He loves me not. I bet we all can remember plucking the little white petals from the bright yellow center of a daisy when we were children. I always hoped it would end on “He loves me”, but you never knew for sure. One day, I was walking around in a field at my father-in-law’s farm and snapped a picture of one single daisy. Looking at the picture, I thought of God’s character. God’s Word is a gift for us to be able to discover who He really is. God is all-knowing, all-loving, and all-sufficient. He is not surprised by anything. He knows every tiny detail of our lives down to the hairs on our head. Would a God who doesn’t love His children be so concerned with things in our lives that we sometimes feel are insignificant. Sometimes we can feel like there’s no one out there that really understands us. I know I have felt that way numerous times. But there is so much comfort to be had in knowing that the One who matters knows us completely.

God is all-powerful. He spoke everything into existence! His very breath brought life to humanity and He wanted a relationship with us from the very beginning. But disobedience and sin on humanity’s part separated us from Him. The only way to bridge the distance between God’s holiness and humanity’s sinfulness was for redemption to take place. That redemption came at a price and God paid it with the life of His own son. That is a supernatural love! 

When my son, Tanner, passed away, I went to his grave every day. I thought that if I missed a day, it meant that I was forgetting him and my love for him was fading. Then one day, a very wise man asked me a question that changed my view completely. He asked, “What could Tanner have done in his life to make you stop loving him?” I still remember the anger that welled up inside of me just at the thought of his question. I told him with no uncertainty that there was nothing Tanner could have done that would change the unconditional love that I held in my heart for him. As soon as I saw Tanner’s face on the day he was born, I loved him with everything I had and he had done nothing at all to deserve it. I just loved him completely. 

If I felt that way about my son, how much more does our all-loving heavenly Father love us? But that love doesn’t mean we don’t have consequences for our bad choices. God is love and shows mercy and grace but He is also just. His love for us is unconditional but God is holy and He has no choice but to deal with sin.

So the next time that you see a daisy dancing in a field, look at it and smile because you never have to be unsure. When it comes to God, it will always end with, HE LOVES ME!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us with such a perfect love. Even though we fail You and sometimes go down roads that You never intended for us to take, Your love remains. I never really understood that kind of unconditional love until I had children of my own. But as deep and strong as my love is for my children, there is no comparison to the supernatural love that comes only from You.  What a comfort to know that Your love for us isn’t dependent on our actions.  It comes from who You are and You are love.  There will still be consequences for the bad choices we make in this life, but that is still proof of Your amazing love for us. You love us too much to let us wander off into darkness. These consequences help to lead us back to You. So every day of our lives, when there is so much uncertainty in the world, thank You for the peace that comes from knowing that when it comes to Your love for us, it will always end with HE LOVES ME.

© 2021 by Sherry Kepley. All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / He Loves Me. He Loves Me Not. - Encouragement Café - February 3