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Esther - Encouragement Café - October 16

 By Carolyn Dale Newell

… And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish! Esther 4:16b NKJV

God is very present in the book of Esther, even though His name is never mentioned.  God gave Esther tremendous courage and patience when she needed it most. 

There was a decree that all the Jews would be killed on an appointed day.  The king did not know that his queen, Esther, was Jewish.  Esther planned to approach the king and plead for her life and the lives of her people.  However, approaching the king was against the law, and the penalty was death.

The first time the king inquired of Esther concerning her request, she only asked him to attend a banquet that day.  Even at the banquet, she only requested his attendance at another banquet on the next day.  Once again, the king inquired about the request that he could fulfill.  

Esther had patiently waited for this moment as she bravely asked the king to spare her life and the lives of her people, revealing that she was a Jew.  Her patience aligned perfectly with God’s providential order of events.  The king made another decree protecting the Jews. 

Esther risked her own life to save the lives of her people.  She also waited just for the right time to make her request. 

Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD! Psalms 27:14

God will give courage, strength, and patience to all His children when they need it just as He did for Esther.  Rely on God and do not be faint-hearted. 

Esther demonstrated qualities of courage and patience.  God enables all of us to possess those same characteristics when we need them most.  Providence is the way God moves in various circumstances to bring about His desired purpose.   Do you remember a time when God’s providence was apparent in your life?

Dear God, Almighty God, thank You for giving us courage and patience.  Thank You for providentially working in our lives.  We praise You for all that You do in our lives.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Enhance your prayer life with Carolyn’s book: “Incense Rising: 60 Days to Powerful Prayer”


 For more encouragement, visit Carolyn at 

© 2020 by Carolyn Dale Newell.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Esther - Encouragement Café - October 16