The Perfect Father - Encouragement Café - January 16, 2018

The Perfect Father
By Dawn Mast

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV

On our recent Jamaica medical mission trip, I felt comfortable sharing with the youth about what was on my heart. It wasn’t an easy message. Because we knew that many of the young people in attendance came from single parent or abusive homes, it was hard to share about the love of a Heavenly Father when they had such a bad experience with their earthly one.

Still, I had been reading about what makes a dad a good father and I wanted these young people to hear what was on my heart and mind.

But there would be some hard words and I wasn’t looking forward to sharing some difficult truths.

Ug! I would rather have been on the beach or playing with the younger children. But, I jumped into the lesson.

I asked these darling young people if they thought our family was perfect. Here we show up with luggage full of medicine for the clinic, and candy, toys and trinkets. We play and laugh and our family is so happy to worship and be with the Jamaican people. So they are seeing our best side.

They said they thought we were perfect.

Oh my. If they only knew!

So, I enlightened them. I told them that we argue and fuss. We get grumpy when we don’t get enough sleep or the right nutrition and just because we are a married couple, with our children, with the love of Christ at the center does not mean we are perfect.

We constantly lean on Jesus to sustain us emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

Then I told them that I realized that many of them come from homes that don’t have a mama and a papa. That their earthly father had left and disappointed them.

But they have a Heavenly Father Who loves them. He will never leave, abandon or abuse them.

It’s almost hard to fathom when there’s been constant disappointment. A Father who is perfect and doesn’t leave? One who provides, loves unconditionally and gives salvation?

I gently reminded these sweet young people that they can actually control part of their  future. Yes, many of them are living without proper male guidance, but they can take steps now to build up their hearts so the same generational sins aren’t repeated.

What a gift to give to the next generation! A household where there’s a Godly mother and father who strive to seek the Lord in all they do.

Sweet friend, we can’t be perfect no matter how hard we try. However, we have Jesus Who is perfect.  He will guide us in our friendships, marriages, and families so that we can have the blessed assurance of hope and peace in Him.

If we keep focused on God’s Word, daily walking with Him, and keep our hearts and minds focused on Christ, then we will be better equipped to pass along strong faith to the next generation. Let’s take our mistakes and sins of the past and continue to leave them in the merciful hands of Christ. Only He knows how to take that which we leave with Him and turn it into something for His glory.

Gracious Heavenly Father, You are the One who loves and sustains us even when our lives have been touched by illness, other’s poor choices and our own sins. Your love, Lord, sustains and graciously leads us in Your will for us. You desire for us to prosper as You lead us to a hopeful future. Please help today to be a day where I look to You and trust You with my heart and mind. Thank You for seeing me and knowing what’s best for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

© 2018 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / The Perfect Father - Encouragement Café - January 16, 2018