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Diaper Shortage - Encouragement Café - April 5

Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Matthew 6:25-26 NKJV

While the world is going into lockdown and everything seems to be spiraling out of control, remember God is in control, He is still on His throne and He still cares about the small seemingly insignificant details of your life. 

How do I know this you ask? Well because of diapers! 

In my usual organized fashion on Thursday morning I realized my little man was out of diapers so we packed ourselves into the car and headed to the store, oblivious to the fact that this world had gone crazy overnight. We grabbed a trolley and into the store we went, the shelves were bare, no diapers in sight. A store assistant advised me to try again that night as there was another delivery due. That night again I went to the store, again the shelves were bare – no diapers.

I asked a store assistant if there were any in the back, if there were any anywhere, the answer was no. As I stood in the store staring at the empty shelves something as simple as diapers had me feeling at an absolute loss. Diapers actually had me at that point; all I could think of was my little boy at home who needed diapers! I stood there talking to God, telling Him again what He already knew – I needed diapers!

Eventually I turned to go home, there weren’t any there and they weren’t going to appear on the shelf no matter how much I wished for it. I headed to the checkout and there at the checkout was a lady with two packs of diapers, size 6, exactly what I needed. I went over to her, “Can I ask where you found these? Were there more on the shelf? Or were these the last ones?” The answer… she was returning them!!! She had bought them earlier in the day but didn’t need them! She returned them, I bought them. Thank You Lord for diapers!

Disposable diapers definitely make life a whole lot easier but they can hardly be described as essentials, if God provides for a non-essential desire for diapers how much more will He do in the essential. It is so easy to lose sight of Him when the media is creating frenzy but God is there, in the stillness, in the quiet place. Instead of worrying we need to trust in Him to provide and to meet our needs. He is able. He has told us to not worry about tomorrow, He is already there. He has it covered. No matter what life throws at us God will be there through it all, sustaining and fathering His children.

Read through Matthew 6, ask God to meet you there, bringing stillness and calm to your soul. Rest in Him knowing that He is in control. 

Lord, thank You that You care, that You are in control. Lord, when the world around is in a panic, Lord You are not panicked. As Your child Lord, I ask that You fill me with Your peace which passes all understanding; that while troubles may come I will know Your steadying hand upon my life and upon those whom I love and care for. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2020 by Olivia Barnes.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Diaper Shortage - Encouragement Café - April 5