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Cloudy with a Chance of Burger King - Encouragement Café - June 19

Cloudy With a Chance of Burger King
 By Dawn Neely

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. Acts 2:1 (KJV)

In 1974 a super outbreak of tornadoes were recorded for a single 24 hour period. It was also the most violent tornado outbreak ever recorded, with thirty F4/5 tornadoes, according to the Fujita rating scale. From April 3 to 4, 1974, there were 148 tornadoes confirmed in 13 states and Ontario, Canada. 

I was a new mother, far away from my home place, in Louisville, Kentucky where my husband attended seminary. As the warnings sounded and the sky went from black to an ominous green, we could see the funnel cloud from our kitchen window. We took our 10-month old daughter and headed for the basement of our house, praying every step that we might be spared. Indeed, our home was not hit, but the Burger King less than one mile away was destroyed. Upon coming out of our shelter in place, we surveyed the damage in our front yard. There must have been hundreds of hamburger wrappers, napkins, Burger King crowns, French fries and drink cups strewn all over our property. It was obvious something mighty and powerful had occurred in our town. The evidence was everywhere! 

Can the same be said for our lives, filled with the Spirit of God? Is there strong evidence that a mighty wind has entered our lives and made a significant change in the landscape of our hearts?

Power is defined as the ability to act effectively and the capacity to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. The power of the Holy Spirit is literally the power of God. Our ability to act and influence is infinite, unlimited and eternal. In this way, the power of the Holy Spirit is different from any other kind of power.

The power of the Holy Spirit enabled the disciples of Christ to turn the world upside down with the powerful preaching of The Gospel. They could not have accomplished this in their own power. Jesus promised that the Spirit would come, live within them, and empower them in a miraculous way.

The Holy Spirit still works in the world today through those who believe in the Lord Jesus as Savior. His power leads us, convicts us, teaches us, and equips us to do His work and spread The Gospel. As in the storm that hit our community, there was absolute evidence that a tornado had left its mark on our lives. When the Holy Spirit descended upon believers at Pentecost, it was not a quiet event, but a powerful one. There should be evidence in our lives that God dwells within us. His power leads us, convicts us, teaches us and equips us to do His work and spread The Gospel. The Holy Spirit's powerful indwelling is an amazing gift we should use and apply each day of our lives.

Dear Father, the power of the working of Your Holy Spirit in us is such a gift. Thank You for making Your Spirit available to us and enabling us to be an effective witness for You. May we be a powerful force in this world. In the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

© 2020 by Dawn Neely.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Cloudy with a Chance of Burger King - Encouragement Café - June 19