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Abandon & Trust - Encouragement Café - August 10

Abandon & Trust
 By Luann Prater

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

The word ‘trust’ means that you are given something that belongs to someone else but they entrust you to use it in the same way that they would use it.

So God has given you this life. He has provided 24 hours in each day, just for you! Your time is your own. You get to choose where you go, what you do, who you spend time with and how you get there. He handed all the decisions over to you and now He waits. He waits on you - to hand it back. 

During a visit, my grandson began his journey up from the basement play room, his hands loaded with toys; a truck and action figure in one hand, a ball in the other and a book tucked under his arm. His tiny finger reached for the railing, but his arms were gripping his toys so tightly that he couldn’t grab it. He was ready to join Grandma in the kitchen for some snacks, but he simply couldn’t bear to leave his toys behind.

I watched him struggle as he took that first step. He wobbled, so I reached out my hand to help. “I do it!” he proclaimed. I kept my hand outstretched offering, but never forcing my help. Finally one foot triumphantly reached the first riser, he glanced up as if to say, “See, I can do it.” As his weight shifted to pull the other leg up, the book at his side began to slip. He paused to readjust and the ball popped from his hand and bounced down the steps.

His lip quivered, but he was not giving up the battle. Looking at me now would just be too humiliating, so he pretended not to see me or my hand. With each step came the same scenario; wobbling, slipping, readjusting, frustration. His eyelashes that bat my face with kisses lost the battle of refraining a pool of tears. They spilled onto his face. Fingers that once gripped his treasures, purposely loosened and reached for my hand.

Aren’t we so like that with our Father? He stands with outstretched arms saying, “Trust me” and we won’t make eye contact because we are holding on to our treasures, our dreams. Our jobs, our family, our security, our past and even our service to Christ often receive a stronghold grip.

Does your American Dream mean the right school, the right grades, the right job, the right image, the right offer, the right firm, the right clothes, the right moves, the right guy, climbing the right ladder and making the big bucks?

We would rather wobble through sorrow than give up control. We would rather slip and stumble than let go of our pride. We would rather readjust our grip than reach out.

God stands at the top of our life and says, “Excuse me, did I say somewhere that My will is for everyone to live the American Dream and be happy and comfortable?”

Or did He say, “I want everyone to burn with passion for Me and My purposes and live lives molded into the image of Jesus Christ. I want everyone to make a difference with their one and only life, wherever I lead them. But I need to lead them.”

When my grandson was safe and secure at the top of the stairs, I picked up all of his treasures and brought them to him. Then we shared some quality time and a wonderful snack. Hmmm…I wonder what Christ would give us back if we surrendered it all and simply TRUSTED Him?

Isn’t it time we became like little children and totally trust the outstretched, nail- scarred hands that beckon us, “Trust me?”

What grips you?

Do you trust Him with everything in your life?

Write in your journal anything that you consider YOUR decision, YOUR way, YOURright. Pray and surrender those things to Him. Trust Him to provide. Start to really live like that person, the glory of God just resonates to people around you.

Almighty God who created all things how can we ever NOT trust You?  It doesn’t make sense and yet, we are such control freaks we actually believe our ability over Yours. Or at least that is what our actions scream. Forgive us for we know that You are the Only One who is trustworthy. We surrender our fake for Your Genuine, our weak for Your Strong and our shallowness for Your Deep love. In Jesus’ name amen. 

For more encouragement, visit Luann at

© 2020 by Luann Prater.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Abandon & Trust - Encouragement Café - August 10