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Abandon & Live - Encouragement Café - August 25

Abandon & Live
 By Luann Prater

But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13

Iranaeus, one of the Early Church Fathers, wrote in 170 AD “The glory of God is a human being fully alive.”

When you start to discover who you are in the eyes of God & you start to really live like that person, the glory of God just resonates to people around you.

An old friend once said to me, “Wherever you are BE THERE!” In other words, don’t let this moment in time slip by because you are focused on the next thing! Don’t let life just happen, be mindful of where God has placed you RIGHT NOW! Nothing is accidental. All things are on purpose.

Yes, that frustrating situation you find yourself in, that’s on purpose. That exasperating coworker, that irritating neighbor, that discouraging relative, that out-of-control child are all allowed to be in your life at this time, on purpose.

Abandon your wish list, your to-do list, your what’s next for WHAT IS NOW! When you look at everything, everyone and every happening in your life as God-ordained, it changes your focus. Suddenly there are no interruptions, just opportunities.

How did Jesus handle the everyday moments of life or interruptions? In Matthew chapter 4 he was walking along the sea and saw two brothers. Now let’s pause here for a minute. He had just come from being tempted for 40 days by Satan, heard his cousin John the Baptist was in prison and decided to stroll along the beach. 

Can you relate? Have you ever just wanted to escape to the beach and unwind? But there it was, opportunity. First Peter and Andrew, then James and John. Now Jesus knew what He was going to go through once these guys came into his life. It was not going to be a joy ride! He knew there would be good times and some really tough times, but He also knew that they needed His encouragement in their lives. He needed to give them the opportunity to get to know Him.

At one point Jesus had just finished preaching a very long sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, and was coming down from the mountain. A man with leprosy knelt before Him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man, “I am willing.”

Are we willing? Are we open to view the interruptions of life as an opportunity to really live?

Few things jazz me up more than seeing people who were formerly directionless, who didn’t have purpose in their life get hooked up with Jesus! They’d just get up and do the same old thing every day, but when they discover who they are in the eyes of God, it is EXCITING! Suddenly purpose and passion, fulfillment and meaning begin percolating up in every ounce of their being and they feel FULLY ALIVE!

Are you willing to view life through God goggles? 

Are you ready to see interruptions as opportunities?

Write in your journal today the times that life didn’t go as you planned, but how you were able to see God’s hand at work. Did you join Him there?

Lord, sometimes it feels like life is one continuous interruption and yet You remind us that You are working all things out for our good. We struggle and even that is no surprise to You. Father, we need a fresh touch from You. Help us to seek You as fervently as we grumble about our circumstances. Open our eyes and hearts to believe. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

For more encouragement, visit Luann at

© 2020 by Luann Prater.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Abandon & Live - Encouragement Café - August 25