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A Touch of the Master’s Hem - Encouragement Café - August 24

A Touch of the Master’s Hem
 By Linda Gray

And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.” Luke 8:48 NASB

She had reached her limit. She had grown weary of being poked and prodded by unsympathetic money-hungry physicians. Her arms ached for the embraces of family and friends. She simply wanted to be a part of society. And yet, because of her health condition she had been labeled and deemed “unclean.”

But she had heard through the grapevine that the “Healer” would be passing through her town.  The gears in her brain began cranking.  And she thought, “I have nothing to lose.”

So, somehow she managed to slip into the crowd unnoticed.  She felt the squeeze and the pokes of elbows of those clamoring to get a glimpse of Jesus.  She could smell the sweat of hard-working people taking a break from their labors because “He” would be walking down that dusty road.

Maybe she had overheard his conversation with Jairus. It was possible she saw the compassion in His eyes.  However, she felt trapped trying to walk among the crowd.  Then it occurred to her. There was room at His feet. She bent down and reached to touch the frayed hem of the garment He wore.  Immediately, she knew. She knew. 

Jesus also knew.  But He asked anyway, “Who touched me?”  The disciples responded in a matter-of-fact manner, “Master, the multitudes throng and press You and You say, ‘Who touched me (Luke 8:45)?’”  They had walked with Him enough to know that He knew all things.  They were a little puzzled.

He went on to explain that He had felt healing power exit His body.  The crowd parted and she was exposed. She had hoped that after her healing she could simply blend in with the crowd.  But that was not to be.  How would He respond to her when He found out?  Would He order her execution because she had been unclean?

Yet, as she fell before His feet to confess her action, she saw His eyes of compassion and heard His soothing voice.  She was not used to kindness and gentleness, but shunning and avoidance.  He called her “daughter,” a precious word of endearment.  She felt at once His love.  He confirms her healing.  She was no longer an outcast.

Many that day had “bumped” into Jesus.  Perhaps, they came out of curiosity.  She came on a mission.  She intentionally touched the “Healer.” And in return, He touched her.  Her goal that day was to receive healing.  In reality, she encountered the Healer.

As a follower of Christ, I don’t want to live my life as one of the crowd simply bumping into Jesus.  I want to be like this woman who reached out to intentionally touch and be touched by the Master.  It took effort on her part to get to Jesus.  I need to make some effort as well. 

It will take more than scanning random scriptures in the morning and calling that Bible study.  It will take more than saying quick prayers and rising from my knees before giving God the chance to speak to me.  It will take me wanting more of Jesus as the Giver, Healer, and Master.

I encourage you today to revisit this familiar story found in Luke 8:40-48. Could it be that you too, simply need to touch His hem?

Father, help me want the Healer more than the Healing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2020 by Linda Gray.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / A Touch of the Master’s Hem - Encouragement Café - August 24