Devotional For Dieters 9/15

September 15

2 Peter 2:9
The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.

Woody had a weird dream. His hands and arms got so flabby that he couldn't reach out and pick anything up anymore. Before him stood a long table filled with marvelous things to eat, but he was unable to take anything. He woke up sweat-soaked and shuddering. It had seemed so real! He caught a glimpse of himself in the dresser mirror as he sat alone in the night. He was getting awfully plump. Maybe somebody was trying to tell him something. He was no fool. They say that God moves in mysterious ways, and maybe that was true. No reason to push the old luck. Tomorrow the diet begins!

Today's thought: I remember when my eyes could be bigger than my stomach!