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Never Be Embarrassed for Standing for the Truth - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - February 7, 2019

Never Be Embarrassed for Standing for the Truth

By Rick Warren

“It is no shame to suffer for being a Christian. Praise God for the privilege of being called by his name!” (1 Peter 4:16 NLT).

You should never be embarrassed for standing for the truth and doing what’s right. The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:16, “It is no shame to suffer for being a Christian. Praise God for the privilege of being called by his name!” (NLT).

Let me ask you: Is an insult going to kill you? No. Is a putdown going to kill you? No. Is somebody calling you a name or labeling you because you’ve made a stand for Christ going to hurt you? No. Is some troll online who’s trying to bait you and get you in an argument going to take you down? No. It’s not going to kill you.

It’s vital that you understand a truth that will liberate your life: You don’t need other people’s approval to be happy.

You may have been trying to get the approval of a certain person for many years. I hate to tell you, but if you haven’t gotten it by now, you’re not going to get it. The good news is you don’t need it! You don’t need anybody’s approval in order to be happy.

No matter what you do in life, somebody’s not going to like it. You can’t avoid disapproval. So if you’re going to have people’s disapproval either way, you may as well have their disapproval for doing the right thing rather than the wrong thing.

This is important to remember as you face opposition. If other people’s opinions matter more to you than God’s opinion, then you’re going to crumble when those people attack you because of your faith in Jesus. But if you focus on God and what you know is right, then you can make a firm stand.

“Stand firm against [Satan], and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are”(1 Peter 5:9 NLT).

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Transformed Complete Audio Series

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Do you want to experience a real transformation from the inside out? Then you have to spend time listening to God’s word. That’s why we compiled the Transformed Complete Audio collection.

These eight messages from Pastor Rick Warren are sure to help you draw closer to God so you can experience the abundant life he designed you to live.

You’ll hear messages including . . .

• Setting Personal Goals by Faith
• How to Get Closer to God
• From Stressed to Blessed
• Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind
• How to Deal With How You Feel
• Facing the Fears That Ruin Relationships
• Transforming How I See and Use Money
• Facing Giants in Life and Work

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This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Daily Hope with Rick Warren / Never Be Embarrassed for Standing for the Truth - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - February 7, 2019