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How to Handle Stress Like Jesus - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - November 6, 2018

How to Handle Stress Like Jesus
By Rick Warren

“He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world” (1 John 2:2 NIV).

Have you ever felt like you had the “weight of the world” on you?

Your responsibilities outnumber the hours in your day. Your paycheck won’t stretch to cover all of your bills. Everyone in your life wants a little piece of you—and you have nothing left to give anyone.

You’re not alone.

The truth is, only one person has ever had “the weight of the world on his shoulders.” It’s exactly what Jesus came to do: to carry the weight of the world.

The Bible says of Jesus, “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world” (1 John 2:2 NIV).

Nobody carried greater stress in life than Jesus. He not only carried the sin of the world on him while on the cross, but he also faced constant demands on him during his life. People frequently wanted to see him and be healed by him. He had no privacy. Other people tried to trap him and they sought to kill him.

But Jesus knew how to handle the stress. He had an incredibly attractive balance to his life. He handled pressure with peace.

That’s what I want to be like. I’m guessing you want the same.

As I’ve studied the Bible, I’ve noticed seven secrets of stress management that Jesus consistently demonstrates.

  1. Identification: Jesus knew who he was.
  2. Motivation: Jesus knew what he was living for.
  3. Vocation: Jesus understood his calling.
  4. Concentration: Jesus knew what mattered most.
  5. Meditation: Jesus listened to God.
  6. Collaboration: Jesus had a small group.
  7. Recreation: Jesus took time to recharge.

I believe these seven characteristics can define our lives as well. Over the next seven days, we’ll look at each of these characteristics and how we can incorporate them into our lives.

If you make these characteristics a part of your life, your stress level will go down. So don’t miss these devotionals!

PLAY todays audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>

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Preparing Your Heart for Christmas Calendar and Booklet

Request our brand-new Christmas resource for THIS WEEK ONLY!

The weeks leading up to Christmas are so full of excitement and preparation that December can be kind of a blur. Before you know it, you’ve missed the true meaning of Christmas.

That’s why Pastor Rick created the Preparing Your Heart for Christmas calendar and devotional.

This two-part resource includes a calendar with a special door for every day of December that opens to reveal an inspirational word and Bible verse. Use it with the companion daily devotional guide to help you and your family draw closer to Jesus and prepare your heart for the real celebration.

This brand-new resource is our gift to thank you for your donation to share the hope of Jesus for THIS WEEK ONLY. So act now to be sure to get yours by December 1!

Preparing Your Heart for Christmas can help you spend the holidays . . .
• Worshipping instead of worrying
• Slowing down and reconnecting with God
• Expressing gratitude for the true meaning of the season

Don’t wait! Give a gift by November 12 and request your copy of the Preparing Your Heart for Christmas calendar and devotional for yourself or as a special gift for someone you love.

This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Daily Hope with Rick Warren / How to Handle Stress Like Jesus - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - November 6, 2018