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Even in the Worst Times, God Is Good - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - February 25, 2019

Even in the Worst Times, God Is Good

By Rick Warren

“Protect me, God, because I trust in you. I said to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord. Every good thing I have comes from you’” (Psalm 16:1-2 NCV).

Although it’s true not everything that happens in your life is good, that doesn’t mean God is not good, and it doesn’t mean God is not pouring his goodness into your life. God can take the bad and bring good out of it. Even in the worst times, God has a good purpose, a good plan, and a good reason.

Psalm 16:1-2 says, “Protect me, God, because I trust in you. I said to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord. Every good thing I have comes from you’” (NCV).

Would you pray and talk to God about his goodness? Say, “God, you are so good. I could never deserve your goodness. I’m sorry that I have often forgotten or doubted your goodness. Forgive me for ungratefulness and prideful self-centeredness. I am nothing without you. Like David, I would despair if I didn’t know your goodness. Open my eyes to see how good you really are, and let it transform my life.

“God, my soul needs restoring. I don’t always think right. I don’t always choose right. I don’t always feel right. I need you to restore my damaged soul, my mind, my will, and my emotions. As I continue learning about your goodness, I trust that my sins have been forgiven because I’ve come to you and said I need a Savior. I’m going to release the people who have hurt me and pray a prayer of blessing over them. I’m going to team up with you and ask you to help me with the load I’m carrying.”

If you don’t know Jesus as Savior, you can pray this right now: “Jesus Christ, I want to get to know you. I want to learn to love you and trust you. I humbly ask you to accept me into your family, not because I deserve it but because on the cross, it was finished. You paid it all! Thank you. I pray this in your name. Amen.”

If you just prayed to accept Jesus, please email me at [email protected]and let me know about it. I’d like to send you some free materials to help you start your journey with Jesus.

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Transformed Complete Audio Series

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Do you want to experience a real transformation from the inside out? Then you have to spend time listening to God’s word. That’s why we compiled the Transformed Complete Audio collection.

These eight messages from Pastor Rick Warren are sure to help you draw closer to God so you can experience the abundant life he designed you to live.

You’ll hear messages including . . .

• Setting Personal Goals by Faith
• How to Get Closer to God
• From Stressed to Blessed
• Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind
• How to Deal With How You Feel
• Facing the Fears That Ruin Relationships
• Transforming How I See and Use Money
• Facing Giants in Life and Work

The complete Transformed audio series is our gift to thank you for your financial support of Daily Hope, so please request it when you give below.

This collection is perfect for your audio library or to share with a friend or family member.

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This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Daily Hope with Rick Warren / Even in the Worst Times, God Is Good - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - February 25, 2019