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Restoring Relationships: Reconciliation, Not Always Resolution - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - March 7, 2018

Restoring Relationships: Reconciliation, Not Always Resolution
By Rick Warren

“Search for peace, and work to maintain it” (1 Peter 3:11 NLT).

The seventh biblical step toward restoring a relationship is to emphasize reconciliation, not resolution.

It’s unrealistic to expect everyone to agree about everything. Reconciliation focuses on the relationship, while resolution focuses on the problem. When we focus on reconciliation, the problem loses significance and often becomes irrelevant.

We can re-establish a relationship even when we are unable to resolve our differences. Christians often have legitimate, honest disagreements and differing opinions, but we can disagree without being disagreeable.

The same diamond looks different from different angles. God expects unity, not uniformity, and we can walk arm in arm without seeing eye to eye on every issue.

This doesn’t mean you give up on finding a solution. You may need to continue discussing and even debating, but you do it in a spirit of harmony. Reconciliation means you bury the hatchet, not necessarily the issue.

The seven steps toward restoring relationships are simple, but they’re not easy. It takes a lot of effort to restore a relationship. That’s why Peter urged, “Search for peace, and work to maintain it” (1 Peter 3:11 NLT).

When you work for peace, you are doing what God does. That’s why God calls peacemakers his children.

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Talk It Over

With whom do you need to restore fellowship? Pause right now and talk to God about that person. Then pick up your phone and begin the process.

How has disagreement kept you from restoring a relationship?

In what ways can you model unity and not necessarily uniformity in your relationships?

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Discover God’s power to change your life!

When you’ve had all the “crazy” you can take…

Do you have a relationship that drives you crazy? Maybe it’s a spouse, sibling, parent, co-worker, or the crazy relative that really pushes your buttons.

Pastor Rick shows how you can turn crazy relationships into peaceful ones through his You Make Me Crazy Study Kit.

This 6-week video study includes a DVD and study guide—and helps you . . .

• Reconcile with the people who drive you crazy
• Start healing from past hurts caused by others
• Understand the emotions simmering beneath people’s words
• Turn conflict into cooperation
• Offer God’s immeasurable love even when it’s hard

The You Make Me Crazy Study Kit is our thank you for your gift to share the hope of Jesus Christ through Daily Hope! Request your copy today when you give below.

May it help you learn to love even the most difficult people in your life.

This devotional © 2017 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Daily Hope with Rick Warren / Restoring Relationships: Reconciliation, Not Always Resolution - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - March 7, 2018