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Stay Focused on God’s Plan for Your Life - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - August 6, 2019

Stay Focused on God’s Plan for Your Life

By Rick Warren

“Jesus told him, ‘Anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him is not fit for the Kingdom of God’” (Luke 9:62 TLB).

God has an amazing life planned for you, but Jesus made it clear that you need to stay focused.

The Devil is committed to keeping you “out of the game.” He doesn’t want you doing Kingdom work. Keeping you distracted is one of the methods he uses to make you ineffective.

Would you agree that distractions abound in our world today?

Take people pleasing, for example. When we are distracted by pleasing others, their plans become more important than God’s plans. We become consumed by thinking about what others want and expect from us rather than discovering God’s will.

Your hobbies can become a distraction when they become an obsession. There’s nothing wrong with having a hobby—unless it becomes a top priority in your heart. Some things aren’t necessarily bad; they just aren’t good. “‘Everything is permissible,’ but not everything is helpful” (1 Corinthians 10:23 HCSB). If a hobby or a habit isn’t helpful, it’s probably a distraction. For your life, do you want what’s good or what’s best?

Getting caught up in the past could be a distraction in a couple of different ways. You might get stuck by reminiscing over the “good ol’ days,” ignoring your God-given opportunities in the present. On the other hand, you might be overburdened with regret and unable to move forward. In any event, the past is a prison when it keeps you from focusing on God’s work for today.

Pleasing others, obsessing over hobbies, and being stuck in the past certainly aren’t the only things that can be distractions. Take a moment to ask yourself what the most important things in your life are. Right them down so you can remember them and ask God to help you remain focused on what is most important.

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• It Depends on Who You Depend On
• How God Blesses Broken Hearts
• The Strength of Gentleness
• Why You Need to Stay Hungry
• How to Reconcile a Relationship . . . and more!

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This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Daily Hope with Rick Warren / Stay Focused on God’s Plan for Your Life - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - August 6, 2019