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Five Steps to Wise Decision Making - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - April 11, 2022

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Five Steps to Wise Decision Making
By Rick Warren

“There is a right time and a right way to do everything, but we know so little! None of us knows what is going to happen, and there is no one to tell us.” Ecclesiastes 8:6-7 (GNT)

For the rest of your life, you’ll try to determine the right timing for many decisions you have to make. It may be deciding about an educational change, a career change, or a change in a relationship. 

The Bible tells us, “There is a right time and a right way to do everything, but we know so little! None of us knows what is going to happen, and there is no one to tell us” (Ecclesiastes 8:6-7 GNT).
 Because timing is an important part of any decision, keep these five steps in mind as you decide: 

Take time to make the right decision.

“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25 NIV).

Hurry is the enemy of good decisions! Let God set the timing for your decisions. His timing will always be best, so you can surrender yours to him. 

Be quiet and listen to God’s Word.

“I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your laws” (Psalm 119:59 NLT).

You can’t hear the whisper of God’s voice if your life is filled with other noise. That’s why it’s so critical you spend time alone with God. God’s will is found in God’s Word. 

Enlist the prayers of others.

“Brothers and sisters, I beg you to help me in my work by praying to God for me. Do this because of our Lord Jesus and the love that the Holy Spirit gives us” (Romans 15:30 NCV).

When you ask other people to pray with you about a decision, they can offer encouragement and support. They can ask God to give you focus and clarity.

Consider what you do best.

“Each one, as a good manager of God’s different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gift he has received from God” (1 Peter 4:10 GNT).

God gave you gifts so you could use them to help others. Make sure your decision helps you spend more time sharing your gifts and talents with others. 

Seek the counsel of wise friends.

“Where there is no counsel, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 11:14 KJV).

You want more than your own perspective when you’re trying to determine the right time for a decision. Get the help of godly friends, or a mentor or pastor. Find the wisest people you know, and listen to their advice.

As you consider your decision, remember: God is the creator of time, and he controls all of it. That means his timing is never too late and never too early.

You can trust him to be right on time—in his time!

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This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Daily Hope with Rick Warren / Five Steps to Wise Decision Making - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - April 11, 2022