3 Ways to Be Encouraged If You Find Your Faith Wavering
By Laura Bailey
I found myself, again, sitting on the couch in my pastor’s office, peppering him with questions about God. Wrestling with God wasn’t a new experience for me. Still, after the last few months of difficult trials, watching bad things happen to good people, and intense heartache, both personally and for others, I couldn’t shake the doubt I was experiencing.
I’ve longed for the unwavering and unquestioning faith that many of my fellow sisters in Christ experience. I believe the Bible is true, that the same God who created the universe loves me, and that my salvation through Christ alone is secure. Yet, day to day, I find myself questioning the Lord.
“Why is this happening? I don’t understand; I can’t see you at work in this situation.”
“How long, Lord? How long will you allow such intense suffering? Please, show your grace and mercy to these people.”
“Have you forgotten about your people? Why do you continue to allow such evil to prevail?”
It’s taken many years for me to accept that I don’t have to feel shame or guilt because I question God. I am not less of a Christian because I struggle to get certain things about our faith. God is big enough to handle my doubts, fears, and questions.
I discovered I wasn’t alone; the prophet Habakkuk experienced the same thing centuries ago. If you find yourself in a similar season of wrestling with the Lord, here are three pieces of encouragement from this small but impactful Book of the Bible.
1. God Expects His Children to Ask Questions
The book of Habakkuk is a look at the insight of the prophet’s personal struggle to believe that God is still good no matter what is happening in the world. He cries out to God, not holding back his frustrations, being fully transparent in sharing his doubts and uncertainty. The book follows a pattern of questions and answers, where Habakkuk expresses his laments, and the Lord responds.
In the first two interactions with God, Habakkuk presents his complaint and demands that the Lord act. He first calls attention to evil, injustice, corruption, and the abandonment of the Law (Habakkuk 1:2-4). He asks God, “How long will you allow evil to prevail,” “Are you just going to sit by and do nothing?”
God responds, which we address later, but not as Habakkuk hoped. In the prophet’s second reply, He directly questions God’s plan and motives, “What? You are going to use even more evil people in your plan to redeem Israel?” (Habakkuk 1:12-2:1).
Do you feel as seen as I do in Habakkuk's words? I am grateful the Lord chose to include this interaction in Scripture to remind and encourage His children to talk to him. He can handle our questions, doubts, and even our complete unbelief at times.
2. We Don’t Have to Like the Answer to Live by Faith
The Lord’s response to Habakkuk’s pleas for justice to be served was not what the prophet had hoped. The Lord shared that His inaction doesn’t mean He approved of the evil acts and violence. He will orchestrate His plan in His time, not man’s, and he would use corrupt nations, Babylon, as instruments to carry out His will (Habakkuk 2:2-5).
Habakkuk further questioned and argued with God, unable to understand God’s plan. I know why Habakkuk was beyond frustrated, not only with his circumstances but with the Lord. But this is where we find the timeless truth of this chapter: the righteous live by faith. We might not always like God’s answer, or at times His not answering, but we can choose to trust in a sovereign God, and one day, He will defeat evil, bring justice, and rescue His people (Habakkuk 2:2-5).
3. God Can’t Always Be Explained, but He Can be Known.
We see in their exchange that while God allows Habakkuk to vent and question Him, God doesn’t explain or justify His actions. But through their back and forth, Habakkuk develops a deeper appreciation for God’s sovereignty, and his faith is renewed and strengthened even though he doesn't have his question answered. In the last few verses, we find Habakkuk 3:16, “I heard, and my heart pounded, my lips quivered at the sound; decay crept into my bones, and my legs trembled. Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity on the nation invading us.”
Having faith doesn’t remove the reality that Habakkuk and the people around him were about to face hardship. However, Habakkuk's faith does allow him to realize that God can be trusted despite uncertainty. Habakkuk praised the Lord for being his Savior and strength, even in his darkest moments, and so can we!
Interesting Faith & Life:
If you find yourself in a season of wrestling with God, cry out to Him, air your grievances, express your frustrations, and lodge your complaint. But, don’t let your conversation stop with your objections; ask the Lord to help you when you doubt and don’t understand to “help you in your unbelief” (Mark 9:23-24). May our prayers turn to hopeful praise like Habakkuk’s. Even though we wrestle with our faith, may we continue to trust the Lord in all circumstances.
Further Reading:
6 Things to Know about Habakkuk in the Bible
God Answers Prayers in these Four Ways
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Sinenkiy
She lives in Upstate South Carolina with her husband and three young girls, where she serves as director of women's ministries at her church. Her passion is teaching the Bible to women, equipping them to live with an eternal perspective. Invite Laura to speak at your next event or learn more: www.LauraRBailey.com
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