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Our God Is Uniquely Powerful and Personal - The Crosswalk Devotional - March 13

Is there a personal, private struggle that no one knows about? Do you feel like you are carrying an invisible burden? Take that to God in prayer. He is a God who has turned towards you and will never look away. Contributing Writer

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Our God Is Uniquely Powerful and Personal 
By Sarah Frazer

Bible Reading:
“He {God} regards the prayer of the destitute and does not despise their prayer.” Psalm 102:17 ESV

At the top of Psalm 102, there is a subscript. The words that come before verse one are important. Most scholars agree that these words were inspired by God and part of the original text. Not all the chapters in the Book of Psalms have these descriptions, but some do. Psalm 102’s description says this: “A prayer of the one afflicted, when he is faint and pours out his complaint before the Lord.” 

Palm 102 does not mention an author or setting. Maybe there is not a specific event so that you and I can find help when we are afflicted, no matter what our circumstances are. The beauty of the Bible is that the original words were written hundreds and thousands of years ago. They were applicable and relevant the day they were written, but they also apply to our modern lives today. 

Who do you know that hasn’t been “afflicted or faint”? Everyone has, at one point or another, poured out his or her complaint before the Lord in prayer. Why? Why do we pray? In Psalm 102, we find a deep, theological truth that allows us to come to God in prayer. 

Psalm 102 teaches us this truth: the God of the Bible is uniquely powerful and personal. God is not like other gods. He is not distant. He is near. He is not weak, He is the only one sitting on the throne of the universe. 

Imagine the ancient Israelites, surrounded on every side by neighboring nations with a myriad of gods. Each god controlled aspects of creation and mankind. The God of Israel was One God who was in control of it all. God was also near to the people. From the time they left Egypt He was near to them in a pillar of cloud, a pillar of fire, the tabernacle, and later the temple. 

As God revealed Himself, one of the characteristics that set Him apart from all of the other false gods is that He is both powerful and personal. God demonstrated this when He led the children of Israel out of Egypt. He performed signs and miracles in the forms of the 10 plagues. He stopped the waters at the Red Sea to allow them to pass. 

But God was also personal. He came to Moses from a burning bush and, throughout the Old Testament, spoke to regular people like Joshua, David, and the prophets. One of the greatest comforts we have is that when we come to God in prayer, we are approaching a God who cares about our concerns and knows us intimately. Also, He is the only one who is “enthroned forever” (Psalm 102:12) and, ultimately, the only one who can really answer our prayers.

Psalm 102 begins with a prayer and a desperate plea to God to listen. The author comes to God, asking Him to hear the requests and intervene. This man (or woman) spends several verses pouring out his heart to God about the frailty of life and the difficulties he has faced. He does not shy away. He is honest, and so should we be when we pray. 

Being honest with God is one of the keys to coming to God in prayer. He ends those heartbreaking words with, “My days are like an evening shadow; I wither away like grass.” Psalm 102:11. The next verse, verse 12, is the turning point, and it begins with the word “but.” 

“But you, O Lord are enthroned forever…” Psalm 102:12

The psalmist then goes on to declare how God will rebuild His city and restore what was lost. Then the author says this, “he regards the prayer of the destitute and does not despise their prayer.” Each person, especially those who are downcast and discouraged, is seen by God. The word “regard” here means “turn towards” [1] someone. 

If you find yourself lonely, depressed, anxious, tired, or discouraged, turn toward God in prayer. He has already turned toward you. In His might and power we know that He has the ability - He alone - to save us and answer our requests. Not only is this strong and powerful God sitting on His throne, He is attuned to you, personally. God sees you, (Psalm 102:2) understands you, (Psalm 139:1-3) and is with you (Hebrews 13:5). 

Intersecting Faith & Life:

What in your life feels too big? Take it to God in prayer. Nothing is impossible for God. He might not part the waters like He did for the Israelites, but He will make a way through the waters of desperation. He is with you and walks with you as well. This big God also cares deeply for you. 

Is there a personal, private struggle that no one knows about? Do you feel like you are carrying an invisible burden? Take that also to God in prayer. He is a God who has turned towards you and will never look away. You might feel alone, but you are not. 

Take a moment today to read through Psalm 102 and take comfort that this uniquely personal and powerful God is yours! 

Further Reading:
Psalm 102
Psalm 139
Hebrews 13

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/KevinLeah 

headshot of author Sarah FrazerSarah E. Frazer is a writer, Bible study mentor, wife of Jason, and mother of five. With a background in missionary work, Sarah encourages the weary woman to find peace in Jesus. She is a regular contributor to the Proverbs 31 First 5 app writing team as well as a featured writer for Her favorite place to hang out is Instagram at @sarah_e_frazer.

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Christianity / Devotionals / The Crosswalk Devotional / Our God Is Uniquely Powerful and Personal - The Crosswalk Devotional - March 13