How Can I Have Hope in a Dark World?
By Vivian Bricker
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” – Hebrews 12:1-2
Ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were exiled from the Garden of Eden, we have been living in a dark world. No longer do we have the perfection of Eden and a perfect relationship with God. After the fall of mankind, all of the beauty of Eden was taken away and our perfect relationship with God was broken. In the present day and age, we can see the consequences of our sin and how wicked the world has grown over time.
With all the wickedness in the world, it is hard to imagine having any hope. School shootings, violent murders, and human trafficking are but a few things we see come across our news feed every day. Sometimes it feels as though there is only bad news. This is because we live in a fallen world and it is full of sin. It is no surprise that many of us are frightened by the world and isolate ourselves from the rampant evil all around us.
Amidst the darkness is the world, there is a beacon light. This beacon light is Jesus Christ. As Hebrews 12:1-2 says, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus and run the race marked out for us. Yes, the world is dark and scary, but we have Jesus. The Lord is stronger, more powerful, and bigger than anything else. There is nothing in all creation that doesn't submit to His voice.
Just as the demons obeyed Jesus, everything and anything else will too (Matthew 8:28-34). Since we know Jesus is our great Redeemer and Savior, we can have hope. There will be times of bleakness, yet there will always be hope because of Jesus. The Lord is the bright light at the end of every tunnel. We will go through many dark times in our life and encounter deaths, illnesses, and abandonments; however, Jesus will always be with us.
Jesus promises to always walk beside us. Through every hill and valley, the Lord will be with us (Psalm 23). He is our Good Shepherd and He will look after us. The dark world will get overwhelming at times and it might try to consume us, but it won't. Jesus will never let this dark world drain out every light inside our souls. He is there everyday fighting back the darkness and helping the lost come to know Him.
Intersecting Faith & Life:
The dark world can be scary and frightening at times, and this is completely valid. However, we do not need to allow the dark world to swallow our hope and our joy. Our hope and joy are found in Jesus and can never be taken away. No matter how dark the world gets, we can have hope in Jesus. One day, we will be with Jesus in Paradise and we will never have to worry about darkness again.
Jesus will replace all darkness with His beautiful light. There will be no more crying, pain, or death (Revelation 21:4). Our hope is found in Jesus alone. He is completely worthy of our trust and He will never fail us (Hebrews 13:5-6). Look to Jesus with a heart of hope and rest in the peace that you are safe in His arms.
The more we trust in Jesus and look to Him, we will turn from fear to faith. Keeping our eyes locked on Jesus and running the race marked out for us, we will start to notice our faith become stronger. The dark world won't hold any sort of grip over us anymore. At this time, we have truly passed from a heart of fear to a heart of faith.
Hope can be found in this dark world if we are looking for it. Ultimately our hope comes from Jesus, yet there are many different ways He reveals hope to us. The many ways Jesus reveals hope to us is in the form of salvation, forgiveness, eternal life with Him, and the sure promise of a better future (Revelation 21). Hope can also be realized through the blue skies after a storm or the first spring bloom after a long winter.
The next time you feel as though you are going to be drowned by the dark world, keep your eyes on Jesus. Focus on Him and allow His love to keep you secure. His love is greater than anything, including everything in this dark world (Romans 8:37-39). A few questions to ask yourself as you reflect on these truths include:
- How can I practice having hope today in this dark world?
- What Bible verse helps me best relax and rest under Jesus’ loving hand?
- How can I transition my heart of fear into a heart of hope?
Further Reading:
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