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Hark the Herald Angels Sing - The Crosswalk Devotional - December 23

In the hymn “Hark the Herald Angels Sing,” we see lyrics to meditate on that can cause joy to rise up within your heart even when we are facing painful family relationships.

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Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
By Gina Smith

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.’ When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.’ So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.” – Luke 2:12-16

I was talking with a friend recently and asked if they would be seeing a particular family member over the holidays. Their answer saddened me. You see, there has been a lot of conflict in the family. Relationships are fractured. Some members of the family don’t even speak to each other.

When conflicts persist unchecked within a family, a new ‘normal’ is established as family members become accustomed to the changed relationships. Yes, there is still an ache in the heart because of the fractured relationships, but daily life goes on. Then comes the holidays. Thanksgiving. Christmas. All of a sudden, the absence of that family member is magnified yet again. The reminder that all is not well seems to hover over any celebration that takes place. After the season comes to an end there is a lingering sadness, as decorations are boxed up and the tree is put away, that you’ve made it through another Christmas without that loved one.

Is this an all too familiar scenario for you? Can you find joy amidst this type of suffering? Can there be joy when you long for reconciliation with that beloved, estranged family member?

In the hymn “Hark the Herald Angels Sing,” we see lyrics to meditate on that can cause joy to rise up within your heart even when we are facing painful family relationships.

We can find joy when we fix our eyes on the One who sent His Son to make the ultimate reconciliation possible - the reconciliation of sinners back to Himself. Of course, we will never stop praying to be reconciled to that beloved family member, but the knowledge that God has made it possible for us to be reconciled to Himself is enough to cause us to persevere in praying for Him to accomplish that in our family relationships. He is able to do that work. He is all-powerful!

Intersecting Faith and Life:
When we read the lyrics to “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” we can also find joy in the fact that, when we fix our eyes on God’s Son, we are choosing to lift our eyes above our painful circumstances and are focusing on Christ. This hymn tells us that the One on whom we are focusing is King, Lord, Prince of Peace, Sun of Righteousness, Everlasting Lord, Desire of Nations, Incarnate Deity, and Emmanuel.

We are also drawn into celebrating the virgin birth, the deity of Christ, the resurrection of the body, and the truth of the new birth.

That is some powerful, supernatural truth, isn’t it? It is something that no one could ever accomplish - but God! He accomplished it when Christ laid aside the glory of heaven to take on human nature and become one of us. Doesn’t that make you want to rejoice? Doesn’t that give you hope? 

Let’s pray:

Father, as I navigate through this season that seems to magnify the fractured relationships in my family, I look to you and all that was accomplished when Your Son came to earth. I fix my eyes on the King, Lord, Prince of Peace, Sun of Righteousness, Everlasting Lord, Desire of Nations, Incarnate Deity, and Emmanuel, and I thank you for making it possible to be reconciled back to You. Help me to find joy in this truth amidst the suffering that I experience in this lifetime. Amen.

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the new-born king
Peace on earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled"

Joyful all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies
With angelic host proclaim
"Christ is born in Bethlehem"

Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the new-born king"
Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings
Risen with healing in His wings

Mild He lays His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth

Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the new-born king"

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Earle Liason

Gina Smith is a writer and author. She has been married for 35 years to Brian, a college professor and athletic trainer. For 25+ years, she and her husband served on a Christian college campus as the on-campus parents, where Brian was a professor and dean of students. They reside right outside of Washington, DC, and are the parents of two grown children, one daughter-in-law, one son-in-law, and one granddaughter. She recently authored her first traditionally published book, Everyday Prayers for Joy, which is available everywhere books are sold. You can find Gina at the following: Website:, Instagram, and at Million Praying Moms, where she is a writer.

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Christianity / Devotionals / The Crosswalk Devotional / Hark the Herald Angels Sing - The Crosswalk Devotional - December 23