God Holds Us Together
By Alexis A. Goring
Bible Reading:
“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” - Colossians 1:15-17 NIV
There is a song by a Christian music band called Fee that really resonates with me.
“Everything Falls” is the title of the song. The lyrics start with a Biblical reminder: God will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). The message then speaks to our world today, describing it as shaky and filled with trouble that burdens your soul. But then the singer reminds us to remember what God has told us: When everything falls apart, God still holds you together. Faith in God’s sovereignty and His love for humankind brings hope to our hurting hearts. Even when our strength is gone, God remains strong and mighty. He is not a frail deity. He is a warrior who always existed and will never die! And He is passionate about rescuing His children (humankind) and saving our souls (John 3:16-17).
This song encourages us to remember our mighty God when we are surrounded by darkness and devastated by tragedy. God remains faithful to us through it all. We are advised by this song to hold onto hope and remember that Jesus Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33).
Now for a fact that will astound you: Did you know that there is a cell adhesion molecule inside every human body that is shaped like a cross and literally holds us together? The word for it is laminin. There is a whole story behind how I first learned about this. I watched a short talk by Louie Giglio, pastor of Passion City Church, on YouTube. Here is a brief summary of that video, including how Giglio first learned about laminin:
Giglio was on tour for his ministry in Texas. As they were wrapping up, a man from the audience introduced himself to Giglio and asked him what’s next for his ministry. Giglio said he would be preaching for his pastor in Atlanta. The man asked him what he would preach on. When Giglio said the series is on the glory of God and the human body, the man responded by saying that it was “really amazing” and stated that he was a molecular biologist at a local university. He asked Giglio to give him the talk. After hearing his talk, the biologist asked Giglio what’s his “big left hook” for finishing his speech. When Giglio said he didn’t have one yet, the biologist replied, “Your left hook is laminin!” Giglio drew a blank face. The biologist explained that laminin is a cell adhesion molecule, a protein molecule. He then talked about the purpose of laminin—it literally holds us together every day we’re alive. He called it “the glue of the human body” and urged Giglio to tell his audience about laminin. He convinced Giglio to go to his computer and do a Google search for the word laminin. When Giglio did this and saw that laminin is shaped like a cross, he contacted the biologist who then asked him if he wanted to see an actual laminin molecule. When Giglio replied yes, the biologist sent an electron microscope image of laminin and Giglio was amazed at how it resembled a cross like the one Jesus Christ died on at Calvary.
Isn’t it astounding—and comforting—that the very thing that’s holding our bodies together and keeping us alive, is in the shape of a cross that represents our Savior? It’s not a coincidence that God created laminin in the shape of a cross, which is a symbol of Christianity. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, an architect, said, “God is in the details.” I believe that the existence of laminin inside of every human body is evidence that God wants us to always remember our Savior, who holds us together not only physically but spiritually, mentally, and emotionally every day of our life here on Earth.
In closing, I’d like for you to listen to the song “Hold Us Together” by H.E.R. and Tauren Wells. May the lyrics and melody remind you how much God loves you and how you can trust His Son (Jesus Christ) to hold you together no matter how much life around you or inside of you may feel like it’s falling apart. May we always remember the hope and safety we have when we trust in Him.
Intersecting Faith and Life:
How does knowing that Jesus Christ holds you together, breathe hope into your soul? Next time you feel like everything is falling apart, will you turn to God?
Further Reading:
1 Peter 5:7
Isaiah 41:10
Philippians 4:19
Romans 8:28
Jeremiah 29:11
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Seven Stock Studio
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