Dream Big Dreams - The Crosswalk Devotional - June 17

What are some of the dreams you have for your life? What happened to them? Did you try to make those dreams come to fruition?

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Dream Big Dreams
By Michelle Lazurek

“No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: “‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” – Acts 2:16

“What are your hopes and dreams?”

My husband and I have asked this question to each other throughout our marriage. One thing I've always appreciated about my marriage and my husband is we've always supported each other and our hopes and dreams. As a pastor’s wife this caused me to sacrifice and move to many places to pastor different churches to which my husband felt called. Similarly, my husband always supported my hopes and dreams. When I told him I felt called to be a writer in 2009, he never squashed my dream. We prayed about it together, and the Lord has blessed my obedience. My husband has supported me along the way. He's been the breadwinner when my writing career has not been very lucrative. He’s helped me go to many writers’ conferences and be a guest on podcasts. It is essential to have hopes and dreams for your life. Dreams are beneficial when you have a spouse or partner who will support you and help you do whatever it takes to make those dreams a reality.

Peter repeated the Prophet Joel’s words to a crowd who couldn't understand church culture. The disciples locked themselves in their home for fear of facing persecution. There the Holy Spirit fell upon them, and many people spoke in tongues. This experience with the Holy Spirit allowed the disciples to spread the gospel throughout the town. As they did so, people permitted the Holy Spirit experience to be a natural part of their culture. However, many unbelievers did not understand this. The disciples were accused of being drunk because the Spirit that came upon them allowed them to act in ways that didn't make much sense. Peter addresses the crowd and repeats these words, as in the prophet Joel. Peter is confirming the prophetic word they spoke. Seeing visions, dreaming dreams, and receiving prophetic words was to benefit the brothers and sisters in Christ and was a normal part of church culture. This presence of the greater gifts would be a part of modern-day church culture. 

Your dreams and visions for your life may be part of your will, but they might also be part of God’s will. When we are in line with God's will for our lives, he will empower us through visions, dreams, and prophecy to do Kingdom work, proclaiming the gospel and making disciples. God needs people the Holy Spirit will use to change lives. 

Sometimes, our dreams for our lives fail to come to fruition. Sometimes, our dreams involve us chasing after other idols—that dream job so you can make more money or have that possession you've always wanted, that dream relationship so you can have love with an earthly partner, or that career goal that will make you famous. You may have a specific career, relationship or other goals in mind. Yet, sometimes, all things do not come to pass.

It is important not to become disappointed or disillusioned with God because our dreams don't succeed. Instead, it’s an opportunity for us to trust that God has a perfect plan for our lives and that our dreams and goals are what God has in mind. If it is God's will for our dreams to pass, nothing will stop it. God is most interested in yielding our lives to him. For those who are truly committed to God, we should give all parts of our lives to him, even our dreams and goals. 

Dreams and visions are an important part of our lives and an essential part of church life. What are your dreams and goals for the future? Do your dreams and goals line up with God's vision for your life? 

Father, allow us to analyze the dreams and visions we have for our lives. Help us discern if our dreams are a way to chase false idols. If so, help us let go of them. Help us trade those earthly dreams for your dreams and goals. Allow dreams and visions to be a natural part of our lives and our churches’ lives. Amen.

Intersecting Faith & Life:

What are some of the dreams you have for your life? What happened to them? Did you try to make those dreams come to fruition? 

Further Reading:
Jeremiah 29:11

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Evgenyatamanenko 

Writer Michelle LazurekMichelle S. Lazurek is a multi-genre award-winning author, speaker, pastor's wife, and mother. She is a literary agent for Wordwise Media Services and host of The Spritual Reset Podcast. Her new children’s book Hall of Faith encourages kids to understand God can be trusted. When not working, she enjoys sipping a Starbucks latte, collecting 80s memorabilia, and spending time with her family and her crazy dog. For more info, please visit her website www.michellelazurek.com.

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Christianity / Devotionals / The Crosswalk Devotional / Dream Big Dreams - The Crosswalk Devotional - June 17