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Born for It - Week of Jan. 31

More Than a Five-Course Meal
By Mason Betha

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Matthew 5:6

Hunger is a pain that is like no other. And people experience and describe hunger signals differently. Some feel extreme heat or a chill, while others say it’s a gurgling sound. But the majority describe it as having a pain of emptiness. 

That same pain of emptiness is prevalent among Christians who aren’t on a steady diet of God’s Word. Both your body and spirit don’t function properly when they are starved of His truth.

I believe that all born-again Christians have a yearning within them, instilled by the indwelling existence of the Holy Spirit, to need the Word of God to live. Without it, we will always return to the feeling of needing to be filled or that “something’s missing.”

Whenever you start experiencing things that are not blessed, feast on the Word and never stop. When you are full of the Word, you can think right, talk right, act right, and feel right. It’s even better than dining on a five-course meal! 

The Word will fill you with the most satisfying of all foods and allow you to be served better than any Five Diamond hotel staff could offer. All you need to do is study it, meditate upon it, read it, and memorize it. By doing all of these the Word will become an instrumental part of your life. You don’t have to go hungry ever again!

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If you’re like most Christians, you’d love to experience God’s very best blessings in the coming year. So to help you walk closer with Christ than ever before in 2012, Mason Betha wants to send you his six most compelling messages from 2011 together in one CD set called Best Of 2011.

In these six powerful messages, you’ll discover what it really means to give generously to receive God’s blessings. You’ll also find out what you can do to re-establish your love for God.

God’s best is yet to come for you in 2012. So find out today how you can walk in His light when you request Best Of 2011!