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Born for It - Week of Jan. 24

Knowing and Obeying God’s Voice
By Mason Betha

His mother said to the servants, Whatever He says to you, do it.
John 2:5 Amplified Bible

I am writing to you today to share with you one of the most vital ingredients to being successful and living your dream life. Just obey God

I know it sounds simple, but your dream life is waiting on you to get this prerequisite. Obey what God is telling you to do. You do not have to chase riches, all you have to do is go out and do what God has given you to do. The blessing of the Lord will make you rich and adds no sorrow. That is a promise. 

So, if you desire to erase your sorrow and increase your riches, obey God and stay under the blessing of God. You cannot allow worldly influences like television or anything else to convince you to do anything other than what God has instructed you to do. God made you special and He created a way for you to succeed tha

Ultimately, you must seek God by praying, spending time with Him, and reading your Bible so that when He speaks you are already familiar with His voice. During this time God will give you detailed things to do that are so different from how YOU would have done things. This is why it is so important that you know God’s voice so you can hear, happily obey, and inherit the life of nothing lacking!

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If you’re like most Christians, you’d love to experience God’s very best blessings in the coming year. So to help you walk closer with Christ than ever before in 2012, Mason Betha wants to send you his six most compelling messages from 2011 together in one CD set called Best Of 2011.

In these six powerful messages, you’ll discover what it really means to give generously to receive God’s blessings. You’ll also find out what you can do to re-establish your love for God.

God’s best is yet to come for you in 2012. So find out today how you can walk in His light when you request Best Of 2011!