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Born for It - Week of Jan. 17

God’s Grace Is Greater Than Your Sin
By Mason Betha

Where sin abounded grace did much more abound.  – Romans 5:20

In the beginning when God created Adam, the world was on course to be an extension of the greatest place to live—heaven. However, after Adam’s sin, mankind’s appetite for evil escalated and has contributed to the God-fearless world we encounter today. Literally, we were in jeopardy of having our eternity in heaven stolen from us had Jesus not shown up. And when Jesus came, so did grace!

Thank God for Jesus—His blood, His name, and His anointing. He’s always worthy of more praise. Every chance we get we should celebrate the truth that over 2,000 years ago Jesus came to fix our state and reconnect us to the Father, His provision, and promises through grace. Jesus made it by faith so that we could get it through grace. Now, it is through that same grace that God can rightly get involved with the affairs of mankind.

The Scriptures say that where sin abounded grace did much more. You see, after Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood, sin could no longer dominate our lives. Neither could we be disqualified or qualified on deeds and works alone. Our acceptance of that truth will “turn on” the power of God and release other opportunities for us to win in the same areas that we have previously experienced loss. Believe in Jesus and experience that grace!

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If you’re like most Christians, you’d love to experience God’s very best blessings in the coming year. So to help you walk closer with Christ than ever before in 2012, Mason Betha wants to send you his six most compelling messages from 2011 together in one CD set called Best Of 2011.

In these six powerful messages, you’ll discover what it really means to give generously to receive God’s blessings. You’ll also find out what you can do to re-establish your love for God.

God’s best is yet to come for you in 2012. So find out today how you can walk in His light when you request Best Of 2011!