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Born for It - Week of Feb. 28

Cry Out for Mercy
By Twyla Betha

…but he cried so much the more, Thou son of David, have mercy on me. And Jesus stood, and commanded him to be brought unto him: and when he was come near, he asked him,  Saying, What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee?
-Luke 18:39-41

When you really need a touch from God, then is the time to cry out for mercy. That’s what happened in today’s passage. In this Scripture passage, the blind man was desperate. Not only that, he had faith in the One who could change a desperate situation into perfection. 

You must choose to come out of your normal comfort zone when you really need help right away. The blind man cried out to Jesus about his need. There was a sense of urgency when he called on Jesus. He didn’t think he could live another day unless the One who could heal would help him!

Maybe today, you need to get urgent about your request. Perhaps you shouldn’t be so relaxed about your situation. If you have an issue that has just been lingering in your life too long, cry out for mercy. 

Notice that it got Jesus’ attention above all the others when the blind man cried out for mercy. That’s when we see Jesus ask what He should do for him. 

I don’t know about you, but I definitely want Jesus to ask me what He can do for me! If you need help, put your faith in Jesus and cry out for mercy.

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If you’re like most Christians, you’d love to experience God’s very best blessings in the coming year. So to help you walk closer with Christ than ever before in 2012, Mason Betha wants to send you his six most compelling messages from 2011 together in one CD set called Best Of 2011.

In these six powerful messages, you’ll discover what it really means to give generously to receive God’s blessings. You’ll also find out what you can do to re-establish your love for God.

God’s best is yet to come for you in 2012. So find out today how you can walk in His light when you request Best Of 2011!