When God Plans Our Way (Genesis 17:17) - Your Daily Bible Verse - August 1

God has a history of surprising people by revealing His power and majesty in unexpected ways.

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When God Plans Our Way (Genesis 17:17)
by Lynette Kittle

Today’s Bible Verse - “Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, ‘Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?’” - Genesis 17:17

Has God ever surprised you with what He has planned for you, something seemingly unbelievable that sounded like it couldn’t possibly ever happen?

How many couples would believe they could conceive a baby at 100 and 90 years old, without the help of medical science? Like Abraham, would we fall facedown, laughing at the very thought?

Yet the Bible is full of unbelievable stories, ones where impossibilities became possible. But often our own wisdom, understanding, education and life experiences can hold us back and inhibit what we are willing to believe is possible with God.

In an episode of the classic television show, “Leave It to Beaver,” Wally Cleaver (Tony Dow) can’t believe his little brother’s boldness in carrying out a task, to which Beaver (Jerry Mathers) gives a profound reply. “Glad I didn't know as much as you, or I’d be the biggest chicken in the world.”

Believing the Unbelievable

Many today think most biblical reports are just fables and didn’t really take place. But recently a man was swallowed by a big fish and lived to tell about it. Sound familiar? Yet many believe the story of Jonah didn’t ever happen (Jonah 1:17).

Likewise, what would we have done if God had asked us to build a giant ark and fill it up with two of every animal in the world? Seems kind of like a bizarre idea, right?

At the time Noah (Genesis 6:9) built the ark, some biblical scholars believe it hadn’t ever rained on earth before. If so, the concept of a non-stop pouring down water and flooding was unknown.

Hebrews 11:7, explains, “By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith.”

Yet none of us would be here on earth today if Noah had rejected God’s plan, if he had tried to figure out beforehand if it could work.

Genesis 17:17, inspirational image

As well, there are the three men walking out singe and smoke-free from a fiery furnace. Most of us would think there is no way in this world Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego could ever survive (Daniel 3:23-27).

Too, how many of us would believe Daniel could spend a long, dark night in a lion’s den and walk out in one piece, without even nibbling on any of his toes or fingers? (Daniel 6:22)

And what about a baby born of a virgin, of a biological impossibility becoming possible? (Matthew 1:23)

Are We Missing Out?

God has a history of surprising people by revealing His power and majesty in unexpected ways. When we consider all the above, are we terribly underestimating God and of what He wants to accomplish through us?

Do we truly believe all things are possible with God, or, are we limiting His plans and purposes for our lives?

James 4:2, reminds us that we have not because we ask not. So why not let these biblical stories encourage us to ask bigger of God, to seek His plans to be accomplished in our lives, even if we might not understand how they could possibly happen through us.

Lynette Kittle is married with four daughters. She enjoys writing about faith, marriage, parenting, relationships, and life. Her writing has been published by Focus on the Family, Decision, Today’s Christian Woman, iBelieve.com, kirkcameron.com, Ungrind.org, Startmarriageright.com, growthtrac.com, and more. She has an M.A. in Communication from Regent University and serves as associate producer for Soul Check TV.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Your Daily Bible Verse / When God Plans Our Way (Genesis 17:17) - Your Daily Bible Verse - August 1