Read Genesis 49
Jacob's prophecies concerning his twelve sons; Judah to be an ancestor of the Messiah; Hebrew people oppressed in Egypt. The Israelites' stay in Egypt ends. The chosen people of God begin a new era as the Lord leads them to the Promised Land.
Although he was not the firstborn, Judah was destined to be part of the Abrahamic Covenant with its promise of the Messiah (Gen. 22:18). Judah is a . . . lion. . . . The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto Him shall the gathering of the people be (49:9-10).
Judah emerged as the powerful leader of Israel and one who was feared by his enemies as a lion (49:9). Added to this, he was to hold the sceptre of legislative control over the other tribes until Shiloh come. Shiloh means "Peacemaker," and is commonly accepted to be a name or title for the Messiah.
Throughout the Scripture, God reveals His wonderful plan of salvation through Christ, our Savior, and as we look forward to His glorious return our hearts are thrilled. The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is good news to all who love Him and keep His Commandments. . . . For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith (I John 5:2,4).
We may be forced to endure suffering, as we become involved in situations where we may be as powerless as the baby Moses in a homemade ark floating in the Nile River. It could be that death has left us without a parent or spouse. Some may feel defeated following a divorce. Others may have received a terminal diagnosis from a doctor. God has revealed that throughout life, all of us will face unforeseen and unavoidable sorrows.
In spite of all life's difficulties, every Christian, regardless of circumstances, can say with the Apostle Paul: I am persuaded (convinced), that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come . . . nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom. 8:38-39).
When our King is come, He will reprove the world of sin . . . and of judgment . . . because the prince of this world, (Satan, whose demonic power has oppressed the world with hate and suffering) is judged (John 16:8,11). Oh, the freedom of that day! Even so, come, Lord Jesus (Rev. 22:20).
Thought for Today:
Blessed are they that do His Commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city (Rev. 22:14).
Christ Revealed:
The sceptre shall not depart from Judah . . . until Shiloh (the Peacemaker) come (Gen. 49:10). As the Messiah who would come. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed (Rev. 5:5).
Word Studies:
GENESIS 49:8 in the neck of in control over; 49:10 sceptre ruler's staff of authority; 49:26 The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors the blessings I have received are greater than those received by my ancestors; 50:15 will certainly requite will fully repay. EXODUS 1:10 when there falleth out any war if war occurs; 1:12 grieved fearful of their size; 1:17 feared bad reverential, heartfelt submission to; 1:19 are lively hear quickly, easily; 1:20 waxed very mighty became very numerous.
Prayer Needs:
Pray for International Broadcasts in honor of Bonnie Wilhite • Executive Director of the IBRA in our Washington DC Branch: Reverend Michael Hall • Government Official: Gov. Ruth Ann Minner (DE) • Country: Rwanda (7 million) in central Africa • Major languages: Kinyarwanda and French • Religious freedom • 80% Christian; 10.5% Muslim; 4.5% non-Religious/Other; 4% Traditional ethnic; .2% Baha'i • Prayer Suggestion: Ask the Lord to forgive you of all ill will, grudges, or hatred you may hold in your heart toward another person (Matt. 6:14-15).
Optional Reading: Matthew 17
Matthew 17Memory Verse for the Week: Proverbs 28