A God That Dwells - Beloved Women - October 23, 2020

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A God That Dwells – Beloved Women – October 23, 2020

READ:And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell in their midst.” (Exodus 25:8 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: Have you ever felt the depth and pain of loneliness?  Studies show that people that suffer from loneliness are more likely to suffer from dementia, heart disease and depression.  One in five Americans say that they feel lonely or socially isolated.

How can this be when we live in a world of 7.8 billion other people?  From the beginning of time, God has always expressed a desire to dwell with His people.  This is the very reason that God told Moses to relay to the people of Israel to collect an offering and have them erect a sanctuary where He could meet, speak, and dwell with them. (Exodus 25:8, 22)

For those who so often feel the pangs of loneliness, know that the God of heaven wants to be with you.  I encourage you to ask Him to fill your heart with His Spirit.   Grab His Word, for it is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12) and it can clear the way for intimacy with God.  Create a space where He can meet and speak with you. When you are feeling isolated, God makes it His business to show up with power when we look for Him.

PRAY: Dearest God, there are times that I feel the very depths and pains of loneliness.  I ask that You come and comfort my heart.  Please dwell with me in my places of feeling isolated.  Bathe me with Your Spirit and bring to me a sense of wholeness and fulfillment.  In Jesus’ name, I pray,  Amen.

REFLECT: Are there times that even though people are around you that you feel isolated and lonely?  Is there a particular action that you use to help combat that feeling?

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Marilyn Salmon at www.agatheringoffriendsministries.org and join her “A Gathering of Friends Facebook Bible Study Group” here.

© 2020 by Marilyn Salmon. All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Beloved Women / A God That Dwells - Beloved Women - October 23, 2020