The Right Place at the Right Time - Beloved Women - January 9, 2019

The Right Place at the Right Time – Beloved Women – January 9, 2019



He had to go through Samaria on the way. John 4:4 NLT


I rarely eavesdrop, but one morning at the post office, I couldn’t help myself. The woman at the counter asked the clerk how much it would cost to mail her package. The woman looked puzzled when she heard the amount. She asked if she could send it by regular mail. The clerk advised her to use a different label, so she stepped aside to readdress her package.

As I approached the counter, I heard in my spirit, “Do a random act of kindness, pay for her postage.” After completing my transaction, I gave the woman some money. “Are you sure?” she asked as she looked at me. I responded, “Don’t worry about it. Have a blessed day.”

The Samaritan woman was at the right place at the right time. Jesus went through Samaria to meet this woman. He met her at the well and did a random act of kindness. Jesus gave her the ultimate gifts of love and soul-satisfying Living water. Like Jesus, you too can share His love and encourage others.


Lord, thank You for your gift of love, and salvation. Help me to be at the right place at the right time and open my eyes to opportunities to bless someone today. Amen.


How can you live out your faith and bless others as you go about your day?


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Christianity / Devotionals / Beloved Women / The Right Place at the Right Time - Beloved Women - January 9, 2019