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Love Mercy - Beloved Women - February 18, 2025

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Love Mercy – Beloved Women – February 18, 2025

READ: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with you God?” (Micah 6:8 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: It was nearing the end of my twelve hour and I was feverishly charting to end the day.  But I was called yet again to tend to my restrained patient that was agitated, using foul language and attempting to throw punches at me.  Not only were my bones physically tired, but my soul was worn and weary.  I reluctantly and with haste made my way back into the patient’s room and tended to what was needed.  As I turned to leave, the Spirit of God slowed me down and declared in a quiet and gently whisper, “He is my son.”  My demeanor changed and my heart was tugged with that simple reminder.    

The scripture reminds us to not only be merciful but to love mercy.  Being merciful can draw from us acts of kindness which is right but loving mercy comes from the very heart of God.  It comes from the Power that works from within.  I am encouraged that even when we are stretched and the soul is tired and weary, we can rely upon the Spirit of God to empower and inspire our hearts towards acts infused with the Spirit of God that changes lives.

PRAY: Dear Father, I lift my hand to praise You for Your compassionate heart.  Please teach me Your ways of kindness and mercy.  I ask for the power and spirit of the living God so even when I am weary and can stretch my hand a bit further to minister to those in need.  In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

REFLECT: What area of your life can you stretch your hand a bit more in compassion to reach out to someone else?

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Marilyn Salmon at and join her “A Gathering of Friends Facebook Bible Study Group” here

RELATED RESOURCE: Want to learn how to study the Bible for yourself? The LIFE Bible Journal teaches you how while helping you to intentionally study God’s Word. Each study page guides you through your personal Bible study helping you to practically understand and apply God’s Word to your everyday life. See how simple and rewarding Bible study can be with the LIFE Bible Journal. Click here to get your LIFE Bible Journal today!

© 2020 by Marilyn Salmon. All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Beloved Women / Love Mercy - Beloved Women - February 18, 2025