Freedom from the Bondage of Insecurity - Beloved Women - February 17, 2025
READ: “Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38 ESV)
TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: She is as close as a friend but don't be fooled because she is as destructive as an enemy. She is here to destroy your faith, confidence, and especially your relationships. She makes you doubt yourself, your dreams, and even the purpose God has placed on your life. She disguises herself as one who wants to help when really her sole purpose is to put you in bondage; controlling your every thought, word, and action. What is her name, you ask?
Truth is the key to unlock the shackles that insecurity places on us. These shackles have stopped us from speaking up, walking with our heads held high, pursuing our dreams, and living with an open and trusting heart. Today I want to provide 4 truths to remember when you're feeling insecure:
When insecurity leaves us feeling rejected we know that God has accepted us. (1 John 1:3)
When insecurity makes us want to push others away, God holds us tight within His hands. (Romans 8:39)
When insecurity makes us defensive and combative, God defends us. ( Exodus 14:14)
When insecurity makes us fearful of missing out, God opens doors for us that no man can shut. (Psalm 37:23)
Hold onto these truths today and watch insecurity in your life flee.
PRAY: Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for freedom from insecurity. Please help me to remember who I am in Christ. In Jesus Christ’s Name, I pray. Amen.
REFLECT: How can you trust God with your areas of insecurity today?
CONNECT: Study the Bible with Christina Patterson at and connect with her on Instagram @ChristinaHPatterson.
MORE BELOVED: Join Beloved Women for our current online Bible Study “Worth More Than Rubies: A Bible Study on the 7 Virtues of the Proverbs 31 Woman.” This study takes a deeper look into not only what the virtues of a godly woman are but how we can gracefully and practically live them out to lead lives of faith, strength, and legacy. Learn more and join at
© 2021 by Christina Patterson. All rights reserved.
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