Trusting God When Facing a Closed Door - Beloved Women - February 11, 2025

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Trusting God When Facing a Closed Door – Beloved Women – February 11, 2025

READ: “As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything.” (Ecclesiastes 11:5 ESV) 

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: I remember growing up and my mom wouldn’t allow my sister and I to go to sleepovers at our friend’s house. At the time, it felt like cruel and unusual punishment and she would never tell us why. It was always, “because I said so.” 

Similarly, in our walk with God there are times when He will not allow us to lower our standards when it comes to dating, or there’s a job we’d like to accept the offer for but our discernment tells us otherwise so we politely decline the position. Or there are times when we simply don’t understand what God is doing and we wonder if He has forgotten about us. We’re left asking, “When God? Why not now, Lord?”

In these moments, we remind ourselves that God is Alpha and Omega, that His sovereign plan is at work, that He knows the plans He has for us. (Jeremiah 29:11) We don’t know the mystery of His work, we don’t know how He’s going to bring the promise to fruition. However, we do know that He is behind the scenes working it out for the good of those who love Him. (Romans 8:28)

PRAY: Father God, You are the ultimate Creator. I pray that You would remind my soul how wonderful are Your works and that I don’t need to understand everything but the call is to follow You. Father, I commit my ways to You knowing You are able to restore my faith where doubt has seeped in; You lead me in the path of righteousness. I lean not on my own understanding, I surrender to Your ways and Your will. In Jesus name, Amen. 

REFLECT: Think of a time when God closed a door that you thought was for laid out just for you. Remember how you only understood the why in hindsight; but in the moment, it felt unfair. How did that grow your faith?

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Jenn Fernandez on Instagram @rubia115 where I humanize my walk with the Lord and be sure to check out my website, where you can find a link to my spoken word EP: Step + Repeat, where I share my journey on finding myself. 

RELATED RESOURCE: Want to learn how to study the Bible for yourself? The LIFE Bible Journal teaches you how while helping you to intentionally study God’s Word. Each study page guides you through your personal Bible study helping you to practically understand and apply God’s Word to your everyday life. See how simple and rewarding Bible study can be with the LIFE Bible Journal. Click here to get your LIFE Bible Journal today!

© 2020 by Jenn Fernandez. All rights reserved. 

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Christianity / Devotionals / Beloved Women / Trusting God When Facing a Closed Door - Beloved Women - February 11, 2025