Birthdays on October 10

Jacob Arminius (1560 to 1609)

Reformed Church

Conditional predestination he said.

Jacob Arminius was born at Oudewater, Netherlands. Becoming a theologian, he became controversial for opposing certain doctrines which had grown out of Calvinism. Believing that Calvinism was off-base, he taught a conditional predestination. Arminian Protestants are called by his name.

Gabriel Lalemant (1610 to 1649)

Roman Church

He embraced torture and death for Christ.

Birth of Gabriel Lalemant. This Frenchman became a Jesuit and carried the gospel to North America. He was just thirty-nine years old when he died a martyr, having pleaded with his superior, Jean de Brebeuf, for permission to stay with the Huron converts when an attack was imminent. After a night of terrible tortures, he died at the hand of Iroquois captors. In 1930 he was pronounced a saint by the Catholic church.

William Robertson Nicoll (1851 to 1923)


Fifty volumes on the Bible.

William Robertson Nicoll was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Ordained in 1874, he pastored at two churches before ill health forced him to resign. Moving to London, he served as editor for at least five periodicals. He became an advisor to the publishing house of Hodder and Stoughton. His most enduring literary achievement was The Expositor's Greek Testament, a series of fifty volumes that he edited and released between 1888 and 1905. Nicoll's personal library contained almost 25,000 volumes, including 5,000 biographies. He died in 1923.

Rees Howells (1879 to 1950)

Protestant (evangelical)

Powerful intercession from Welsh miner.

Rees Howells was born sixth of a family of eleven. This miner became a powerful intercessor. Norman Grubb writes: Mr.Howells would often speak of "the gained position of intercession" and the truth of it is obvious on many occasions in his life. It is a fact of experience. The price is paid, the obedience is fulfilled, the inner wrestlings and groanings take their full course, and then 'the word of the Lord comes.' The weak channel is clothed with authority by the Holy Spirit and can speak the word of deliverance."