Birthdays on October 9

Johann Lorenz von Mosheim (1694 to 1755)
Top Lutheran educator.

Johann Lorenz von Mosheim was born in L?beck, Germany. Mosheim became a Lutheran theologian, teaching at Kiel and Helmstedt, before helping to found G?ttingen University, of which he became chancellor. He was notable for his histories of the church.

Richard Furman (1755 to 1825)
A school took this educator's name.

Richard Furman was born in Esopus, New York but reared in South Carolina where he took an active part in the American Revolution. He was a leader of the Baptists of the south and a strong advocate of education. Furman University was named for him.

Isaac Ferris (1798 to 1873)
Dutch Reform Church
Ferris, big wheel of New York University.

Isaac Ferris was born in New York city. A Dutch Reformed clergyman, he was outstanding for his advocacy of missions. He also served as chancellor of the University of the City of New York.


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