Birthdays on September 27

Jacques B. Bossuet (1627 to 1704)
Roman Church
The "pope" of France.

Jacques B. Bossuet was born near Paris. He tutored the dauphin (son of Louis XIV). One of the most brilliant authors and preachers of his day he also served as Bishop of Meaux. Bossuet is also remembered for his attempts to suppress Archbishop Fenelon, Madame Guyon and independent abbesses. He has been called the Pope of France.

Robert Robinson (1735 to 1790)
Years of turmoil led him to the fount of blessing.

Robert Robinson was born in Norfolk, England. In 1752, he heard George Whitefield preach a sermon on Matthew 3:7 which deeply impressed him. But he spent the next three years in great spiritual turmoil before making his confession of faith.He soon began preaching even though he had no theological training and was recognized as a preacher, scholar and theologian. He wrote the hymn "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing."

George M?ller (1805 to 1898)
Plymouth Brethren
He cared for 10,000 orphans, raising every dollar on faith.

George M?ller was born near Magdeburg, Germany. In 1825 he was converted from a wastrel, criminal life under the preaching of the Moravians. He began an evangelistic work among Jews and children. Within a few years he had moved to Bristol, England, where he made his permanent home. For 66 years he cared for orphan children, relying completely on prayers and private donations. At his death, his personal assets amounted to less than $1,000 but he had disbursed $8 million to charities and cared for 10,000 orphans.

Bentley DeForest Ackley (1872 to 1958)
Ex-alcoholic makes good as a hymn writer.

Birth of Bentley DeForest Ackley, who became a noted Christian musician after escaping the pull of alcohol. He played for evangelist Billy Sunday and wrote hymns.


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