Birthdays on August 20

Francis Asbury (1745 to 1816)
On a Salary of $64 a Year, He Evangelized the U. S.

Francis Asbury was born at Handsworth, Staffordshire, England. Converted at age fourteen, he became a notable soul-winner among the early Methodists. When Wesley called for volunteers to go to America as missionaries, Asbury eagerly stepped forward. Unlike previous Methodist missionaries, who wanted to stay put in one place, Asbury set the pace for Methodist Evangelization by traveling from town to town. When he arrived in America, there were probably less than a thousand Methodists. When he died, hundreds of thousands. His annual salary was $64.

Benjamin Harrison (1833 to 1901)
A U.S. President Who Sought Souls.

Benjamin Harrison was born at North Bend, Ohio. We remember him as the 23rd president of the United States, but he was also a soul-winner and a man with deep concern for others. During the Civil War, this lawyer was promoted to colonel. One bitter night he himself carried coffee to his men on picket duty, fearing they might freeze to death. The coffee was appreciated, but more, his words of encouragement and concern for them, helped them survive the freezing night. Becoming president he conducted the nation's financial affairs with precision and care, reducing the national debt. He also supported the missionary outreach of his country.


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