Birthdays on August 17

Daniel Baker (1791 to 1857)
This Baker Founded a College.

Birth of Daniel Baker who became a Presbyterian pastor and evangelist and founded Austin College at Huntsville, Texas.

William Carey (1761 to 1834)
He Attempted Great Things for God.

William Carey was born at Paulersbury, England. While still a teenager, he could read the Bible in six languages. Converted at seventeen under the ministry of Thomas Chater, he married in 1781 and at twenty-two was baptized and joined the Baptists of Olney. After his ordination he pastored the Baptist church at Leicester. Although impoverished, he was deeply concerned for lost souls in other parts of the world, and preached a memorable sermon in 1792 saying, "Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God." This led to the formation of the Baptist Missionary Society. The next year Carey sailed to India as a missionary. He became professor of oriental languages, suffered many hardships and terrific opposition (the English governors resisted his work, his wife went insane, his press and manuscripts were lost in fire, etc.). He died in 1834, but not before translating the Bible into several Indian languages.


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