Birthdays on July 6

William McKendree (1757 to 1835)
The man who replaced Asbury.

Birth of William McKendree, the first American-born bishop of the Methodist church. A leader in revival, he was elected bishop in 1808 and brought such democratic changes to the denomination as consultation with elders before making pastoral appointments.

John H. Sammis (1846 to 1919)
Happy in Jesus.

John H. Sammis was born in Brooklyn, New York. A Presbyterian clergyman, of winning personality, he wrote the well-known hymn "Trust and Obey," saying there was no other way to be happy in Jesus.

Amzi Clarence Dixon (1854 to 1925)
Following two hard acts.

Amzi Clarence Dixon was born at Shelby, South Carolina. Baptized at age 12 by his father, a Baptist minister, he attended Wake Forest College and was ordained at 21. He became a conservative theologian and an advocate for fundamentalism, who wrote several influential books. He pastored at Moody Memorial Church and Spurgeon's Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. Dixon died in 1925.


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