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Birthdays on May 7

Prince of Conde (1530 to 1569)
Outstanding Leader of the Huguenots.

Birth of Louis de Bourbon, Prince of Conde. Affronted at court, he joined the Huguenots (French Calvinist Protestants) and became their first outstanding military leader. He fought several battles, winning, drawing, losing. Captured a third time in 1569, he was immediately assassinated.

Elisha A. Hoffman (1839 to 1929)
Glory to His Name.

Elisha A. Hoffman, clergyman and hymnwriter in the Evangelical Church, was born at Orwigsburg, Pennsylvania. For eleven years he was connected with the Evangelical Association publishing house in Cleveland, Ohio, then pastored several Evangelical and Presbyterian churches in both Ohio and Michigan. Hoffman was a prolific writer of Gospel songs, giving us both the words and music of "I Must Tell Jesus," "What a Wonderful Saviour," and "Are You Washed in The Blood?" He also penned the words of "Glory to His Name" and "Leaning on The Everlasting Arms."

Edward Reese (1928 to )
Was His Chronology Right?

Birth of Edward Reese, who compiled the data and published the Reese Chronological Bible. Although there might be some criticism concerning the dates he displays, since most records of the ancient days cannot be verified for accuracy, some find that seeing the events in a calendar perspective makes the biblical events more "alive."


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