Birthdays on April 30

Orville J. Nave (1841 to 1917)
Chaplain of the Topical Bible.

Birth of Orville J. Nave, the U.S. Armed Services chaplain who authored Nave's Topical Bible, an invaluable help in any Christian's library, which is still in print today. He described it as "the result of fourteen years of delightful and untiring study of the Word of God."

Warner Sallman (1892 to 1968)
He Did a Famous Head of Christ.

Birth of the well-known Christian artist Warner Sallman, in Chicago. At an early age he showed his artistic ability in drawing and painting, and his father and mother, recognizing his talent, encouraged him. His father set up an attic studio for him in their home. At age ten he attempted his first oil painting, which attracted many favorable comments. Following high school he attended night classes at the Chicago Art Institute, and received the first certificate given by the evening school. Going to New York City to make his mark on the world, he was thwarted when his trunk came up missing. No studio would accept him unless he could show what he had already done. Just before leaving New York, he made one last visit to the railroad station, and insisted on seeing the storage area where trunks were piled high. His trunk was discovered hidden far from sight. He married Miss Ruth Edith Anderson May 31, 1916. But a year later he was told that he had but three months to live. His wife received the news with her usual serenity and fortitude, and she said, "Let us pray about it and let the Lord have His way in the matter." In time he fully recovered from tuberculosis. He had one assignment for a cover of a religious publication, which required the artist's concept of the person of Christ. None of his attempts satisfied him until 2 o'clock of the morning the work was to be deliveredthe painting was completed which became the famous Sallman's Head of Christ. Millions of copies of that painting have been circulated. He was also the artist for the New Tribes Mission's Brown Gold magazine.


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