Birthdays on April 9

Johann Cruger (1598 to 1662)
He Provided Hymn Music Lutherans Needed.

Johann Cruger was born in Gross-Briesen, Prussia. He arrived in Berlin in 1615, and completed his theological studies at the University of Wittenburg. He composed the music for the hymns of several noted Lutherans, such as Gerhardt, Franck, Hermann, Rinkart, and others. His Praxis Pietas Melica, which passed through 44 editions from 1644 to 1736, was the outstanding hymnic collection of the 17th century. His best known composition is the music to which we sing "Now Thank We All Our God " Another number, not as well known is "We Walk by Faith and Not By Sight."

Joseph Parker (1830 to 1902)
He Penned the 25-Volume People's Bible.

Joseph Parker was born, at Hexham-on-Tyne. Son of a Christian stonemason, he was converted as a boy, walking home after a service in the company of his godly father and his Sunday school teacher. Although lacking formal training, Parker was in his study every morning at 6 o'clock to study and pray; at noon he would go for a walk to meditate on the texts he had been studying, often talking out loud to himself. He would not allow himself to be sidetracked by committee meetings, or other social events, and by his constant attention to The Word, he always had something new and fresh to give to his large congregations. Sept. 28, 1884, he announced he would begin preaching through the Bible, having the messages stenographically recorded and then printed. This became a 25-volume set called The People's Bible He served 33 years at London's City Temple, a church seating 3,000, which was filled continuously.


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