Birthdays on March 16

Robert H. Bowman (1915 to )


Far East Broadcaster

Birth of Robert H. Bowman, missionary radio pioneer. In 1945, he, with John Broger and William J. Roberts, co-founded the Far East Broadcasting Company. The company followed up its radio broadcasting with correspondence courses, reaching thousands on Pacific island-clusters with the Gospel.

Georg Neumark (1621 to 1681)


He Lost Everything--Twice

George Neumark was born at Langensalza. Of the 34 hymns he wrote, most came out of personal misfortune and suffering. His life was filled with turmoil; it began on his way to study law at the University of Konigsberg, when he was robbed of all his earthly possessions and had to work for two more years to replace the necessary funds to begin his higher education. Another time he lost everything to fire; and he had many other trials as he lived for his Lord. Only one of his hymns is sung today and he wrote both the words and music to it: "If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee." He was blind at the end of his life.