Birthdays on January 30

Francis A. Schaeffer (1912 to 1984)


Former Unbeliever Became Champion of Reasoned Faith

Francis A Schaeffer was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania. Following a remarkable conversion, he studied for the ministry, pastoring churches in Pennsylvania and Missouri. But after ministering here in the States, he and his wife Edith moved to Lausanne, Switzerland in 1948, to develop a ministry to despairing intellectuals. This led to the founding of L'Abri Fellowship, an "oasis" in the Swiss Alps where searching students could come and talk through their most troubling questions about God. Author of many best-selling books (especially Escape From Reason and The God Who Is There), Schaeffer became known as the outstanding apologist of his generation. Throughout his ministry, Fran cared for all unbelievers, because he had been raised by unbelievers to be an unbeliever himself.