David’s No Good, Very Bad Day

Pat Verbal

David is the author of most of the Psalms. The book of Psalms is full of praises to God.  When we think of a Bible person who praised God, often it is David who comes to mind. But David, like any person, didn’t always feel in the mood to praise God.

Not another giant!
David’s hands shook as he wiped the sweat from his brow and replaced his helmet. The afternoon sun beat down on Israel’s troops, engaged in another fierce battle with their enemies, the Philistines. These were no ordinary soldiers. One, a distant cousin of Goliath, carried a bronze spear with a tip that weighed 300 shekels (about 20 pounds). He bragged he’d kill David this time with his new sword. “Will these ugly, godless giants ever give up and go home?” David teased, trying to draw his first officer’s attention away from his own weakened condition.

“Please, Sir, let me escort you to the top of the hill where you can oversee the battle,” begged his first officer. “You’re much too tired to fight any more today.”

David grabbed the horn of his saddle and straightened his aching back. “I’ve faced a few giants in my day, and with God’s help, I will kill one more!” His horse charged forward into the thick of the battle. His head throbbed as he tried to recall the faith he had as the young boy who challenged a giant with a simple slingshot.

Suddenly, David was blinded by the glare of a silver blade. Thundering hooves raced faster and faster toward him. Clutching his shield, he prayed, “I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies” (2 Samuel 22:4).

David’s nephew, Abishai (a-BISH-eye), had been watching David’s back all day. When Abishai saw the Philistine charge at David, Abishai quickly struck down the enemy and killed him. Even though David was very tired, his army won a great victory that day.

How did David respond? He sang a very long song of praise to God. You can read it in 2 Samuel 22.

You may not always feel in the mood to praise God. David probably didn’t always feel like praising either, but throughout his life, he had learned that prayers of praise can change any situation. When you’re in a good mood, make a list of things to praise God for. Put this list where you can easily find it. Then someday when you find it hard to think of something to praise God for, get out your list. Praise God, and soon you’ll find yourself in a great mood (and don’t forget to thank Him for changing your mood).

 Pat Verbal, founder of Ministry to Today’s Child, is a children’s pastor, speaker, and coauthor of My Family's Prayer Calendar.

Excerpted from “David’s Very Bad No Good Day,” originally appearing in PrayKids!®: Way to Go God!; Used by permission of NavPress, www.navpress.com. All rights reserved.  

PrayKids!® is a bi-monthly publication with the mission "to encourage a passion for Christ through prayer" in elementary-age kids.

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